Connecticut Self Advocacy Groups Contacts

Please contact the group representative before attending any Self Advocacy meeting for the First Time.  Sometimes dates, times and locations are changed to support the members of the group.

North Region

Andover Smart SA group (Network) Group currently on hold and only open to Network individuals

3rd and 4th Tuesdays monthly, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

23 Route 6, Andover CT  06232

Advisor: Emily Turner 860-344-3425

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6305


Bristol My Voice, My Choice (BARC)

Meets last Wednesday every month 3:30-5 p.m.

621 Jerome Ave Bristol

Advisor: Chris Eaton (w) 860-582-9102

Contact: Denise Lyon or Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


Canton Currently un-named (FAVARH) ***NO MEETING  in June, July, or August***

3rd Wednesday of the month from 3:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

225 Commerce Drive Canton, CT 06019

Advisor: Tammy Annis 860-693-6662 ext 107

Contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-6305


Danielson – Self Advocates United (QVARC)

4th Wednesday of month 6 p.m.

193 Mechanic St Danielson CT 06239

Advisor: Jamie Lazaroff (w) 860-774-2827 (c) 860-377-6341 or

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6345


East Hartford – TEAM

4th Tuesday of month 6:30 p.m. –  7:30 p.m.

DDS North Region Office 155 Founders Plaza 255 Pitkin St.  East Hartford CT 06108

Advisor: Josephine "Tuty" Huerta (w) 860-331-2098

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


East Hartford – United Voices (Easter Seals)

2nd Tuesday of month 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

22 Prestige Park Rd East Hartford CT 06108

Advisor: Sandy Horwitz

Group contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-6305


Enfield – Together We Can (*A CT People First Group at Allied)

4th Wednesday every other month

Allied Office, 3 Pearson Way Enfield CT 

Advisor: Katlyn Smitkowski  860-741-3701 ext. 284

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


Hartford – What’s Happening (HARC)

Group meets varying dates usually 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

HARC 900 Asylum Ave Hartford CT 06105

Advisor: Dawn Allen

Group contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-6305


Manchester – Manchester Movers & Shakers Self (Journey Found)

2nd Wednesday of month 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

60 Hilliard St. Manchester CT 06040

Co-Advisor: Kelly Howard 203-465-9594

Co-Advisor: Stacy Dingee 860-643-9844

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


Manchester – Let's Make Friends SA group (Corp. for Public Mgmt.) Group open to CPM ind's only

75 Summit Street Manchester

Advisor: Cindy Gamache 860-643-0355

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6345


Manchester - Voices For Change SA group (*A CT People First Group at MARC)

2nd Thursday 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

151 Sheldon Rd Manchester, Building 151

Advisor: Peter Engelbrecht 860-646-5718

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6345


New Britain - CLIMB SA group (closed group)

Fridays monthly (dates vary) from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

183 Steele Street Adult Learning Center New Britain

Advisor: Dori Sargent

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


New Britain – Yes I Can (*A CT People First Group at CCARC)

Meetings every other Tuesday

CCARC Bldg., 250 Slater Rd New Britain

Advisor: Lorraine Muzzulin 860-229-6665

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


New Britain – CW Resources

Meetings bi monthly/days vary

Advisors: Sandy Lavoy or Mike Carnright

Contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-6305


Southington  A New Way Self Advocacy Group (*A CT People First Group)

Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the Month

The Orchards, 34 Hobart St., Southington, CT 06489 

Contact: Mike Ruzzi phone 860-628-9220 ext. 240 or 860-6289220 ext. 140

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


Vernon Friends Making a Difference (Whole Life) on hold until 3/18

Meets 1st Thursday monthly from 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m.

New Tolland location TBD

Advisor: Deanna Rios 860-818-2682

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6345


West Hartford (Independent group)

1st Wednesday monthly, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Elmwood Community Center, 1106 New Britain Ave., West Hartford

Contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-630554


Willimantic – Rock & Roll Express (*A CT People First Group)

3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Cedarwood Apts, (Community Room), 200 Cameo Drive, Willimantic CT 06226

Advisor: Claire Lary or

Contact: Varian Salters 860-456-6345


Windsor Viability SA group (Group currently open to Viability inpiduals only)

3rd Mondays monthly 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Viability office (formerly Community Enterprise) 29 Bloomfield Avenue Windsor

Advisor: Jennifer Sirois 860-688-7918

Contact: Kevin Arce 860-263-2457


Windsor Vinfen United (VinFen)

2nd or 3rd Tuesday every other month 10:30 am - 11:30 a.m.

860 Prospect Hill Rd, Windsor, CT

Advisor: Laura Hostillo 860-688-3169 or 860-688-3165

Contact: 860-263-2457 or 860-456-6305


DDS North Region Contacts:

Amy M. Blazawski, Director of Self Determination 860-263-2449


Martin Zaugg, SD Employment Coordinator 860-263-2596


Patricia Cymbala, SD Employment Instructor 860-263-2462

South Region

Ansonia - Valley Advocates  

435 East Main Street, Ansonia, CT. 06401

Advisor: Lee Heller 203-736-2601 ext.1434

Contact:  Genna Lewis  203-974-4232


Colchester - New Beginnings

Meets the second and the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

263 South Main Street, Colchester, CT

Advisor: Ellen Young 860-531-9426

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232


Cromwell - Dreamcatchers Group

Meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00pm-8:00pm

100 Sebethe Drive Suite A2, Cromwell, CT. 06416

Advisor: Alison Leue  860-632-2814

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Franklin - Advocated of Circle Group

Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 4:30pm

Drew House 833 Route 32 New London, CT. 

Advisor: Kevin Jerrica

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232

Groton - Puffing’s Self- Advocacy

Meets the 3rd Thursday or Friday of each month at 10:30am

169 Thames St., Groton, CT

Advisor: Jessica Bonin     860-446-0882 ext. 202

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232


Hamden - Rising Stars Group

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 pm

109 Sanford Street, Hamden, CT. 06514

Advisor: Mary Turner  203-288-7932

Contact: Genna Lewis 203-974-4232


Hamden - No name yet

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m.

2666 State Street Hamden, CT 06517

Advisor: Jennifer Lacey 203-889-2204

Contact:  Genna Lewis  203-974-4232


Meriden - Socialites Group 

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month 5:00pm-6:30pm

200 Research Pkwy. Meriden, CT.

Advisor:  Michelle Bell 203-238-8396

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Meriden - Helping Stars Group

Meets at different dates and times each month

290 Pratt Street Suite 2200, Meriden, CT.

Please call 203-440-9456 for more information on the next meeting.

Advisor:  Brandon Stallworth 203-440-9456

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Meriden - Action Group 

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:30pm-7:00pm

538 Preston Ave. Meriden, CT.

Advisor: Lori Ann Aiello

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Middletown - Problem Solvers Group

Meets the 1st Monday of the month 5:30pm-7:30pm

282 Main Street Ext., Middletown, CT. 06457

Advisor: Cathy Garafalo   860-347-9633 ext.103

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Middletown - Advocates Unlimited Group

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month 6:00pm-8:00pm

First Church of Christ, 190 Court Street, Middletown, CT. 06457

Advisor: Tawnia Pacheco  203-294-5077

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


Middletown - The Guardian Angels

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month 6:00pm - 8:00pm

124 Washington Street, Middletown, CT. 06457

Advisor: Ben Davies  860-342-0700 ext. 216

Contact: Carol Grabbe 203-294-5119


New Haven - Continuum Advocates Group

Meets the 2ndThusday of the month at varying times

Meeting place varies from month to month

Advisor: Lauren Goldberg 860-358 9413

Contact:  Genna Lewis  203-974-4232

New Haven - Power of Voices Group

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5 pm

524 Whalley Avenue, New Haven, CT. 06511

Advisor: Corrine Jackson  203-389-2970

Contact:  Genna Lewis  203-974-4232


New London: Arc of New London merged with Guide Inc. and Buckingham Community

Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30pm -7:00pm

125 Sachem St., Norwich, CT

Advisor: Denise Tift  860-889-4435

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232


North Haven - Access Power Group

Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm

60 United Drive, North Haven, CT. 06473

Advisor: Debbie Lifton 203-234-1344

Contact:  Genna Lewis  203-974-4232


North Haven - No name yet

Meets quarterly the last Monday of the month at 8:00pm

432 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT. 06473

Advisor: Cheryl Franklin 203-777-2000 ext.246

Contact:  Genna Lewis 203-974-4232


Norwich - Member Advisory Committee (Reliance House)

Meets the 1st Monday of the month at 11 a.m.

40 Broadway, Norwich, CT

Advisor:  Patrick Brown 860-887-6536

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232



Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

125 Sachem Street, Norwich, CT

Advisor:  Denise Tift 860-889-4435

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232


Waterford - CVS Waterford Angels
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:00am

181 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT.

Advisor: Jen Curcio

Contact: Carol Grabbe (203) 294-5119 or Page Librandi (203) 974-4232

West Haven - West Haven Community Connections

Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month 3:00 pm-4:30pm

622 Campbell Avenue, West Haven, CT 06516

Advisor: 203-934-5221

Contact:  Genna Lewis 203-974-4232


DDS South Region Contacts:

Gregory H. McMahon, Director of Self Determination  203-294-5063

Sandi Geer, Self Determination Employment Coordinator 203-509-4783

Mallory Valdez, Self Determination Employment Instructor 203-805-7466

West Region

Berlin – SAGS (RMS)

Group meets at 808 4 Rod Rd, Berlin, CT 06037

They meet once a month on a Tuesday from 5-7 pm

Contact: Jossie Torres, 203-805-7431

Group Advisor: Lori Tyler 860-828-8635 ext.38


Bridgeport - Goodwill Industries

Group meets every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:15 pm to 2:30

Group meets at 165 Ocean Terrace Drive, Bridgeport CT 06605

Contact: Jossie Torres, 203-805-7431

Group Advisor: Abigail Pedraza 203-581-5339


Cheshire – Abilities Without Boundaries - Super Star SA Advisors

Group meets the first 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. 

615 West Johnson Avenue Cheshire CT 06410

Contact: Jossie Torres, 203-805-7431

Group Advisor: Mark Proffitt and Jalisa Pendarvis  203-272-5607


Danbury – Education Connection

Group meets at various dates and times each month

Contact: Jeremy Powell or Natasha Cole  or
              Jossie Torres

Group Advisor: Laurel Scott 


Danbury - The Cool Gang Self Advocates of Danbury

Group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 5 - 7 pm

166 Old Brookfield Rd, Danbury, CT 06811

Contact: Jossie Torres, 203-805-7431


Greenwich - Abilis, Inc.

Group meeting date and time varies

50 Glenville Street, Greenwich, CT 06831

Contact: Jossie Torres, 203-805-7431

Advisor: Carol Mandras 203-531-1880 ext. 116


Norwalk – The Martin House

They meet the third Thursday of the month from 4-5pm

4 Shorehaven Rd, Norwalk, CT 06855

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431

Group Advisor: Sylvia Matthews


Norwalk - LFC

Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6 - 8 p.m. (12 houses/12 groups)

142 Silvermine Ave., Norwalk, CT



Norwalk – STAR – Lighting the Way

Group meets the 1st Tuesday of every month from 3-5pm

182 Wolf Pitt Ave. Norwalk, CT 06815

Contact: Jossie Torres 203-805-7431

Group Advisor: Mark Minnock 203-846-9581 ext.304


Oxford - CPM

Group meets the 4th Wednesday of the month from 9 - 12:30 p.m.

Group is on hold - Currently moving to Waterbury

Contact: Jossie Torres 203-805-7431

Advisor: Zane


Stratford - United for Change

Group meets every 3rd Wednesday of every month from 4:30-7:00

300 Armory Road in Stratford, CT

Contact: Jossie Torres 203-805-7431

Group Advisor: Vilma Pellot 203-727-9618


Torrington – Torrington Independence Group (open DDS group) Public

Group meets the last Thursday of the month unless it is a holiday, from 5-6:30 pm

195 Alvrod Park Road, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington - Transition Employees United (open DDS group) Public

Group meets 1st Monday of the month unless it is a holiday, from 10-11am

TEU office, 15 School Street, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Campus, Spruce 

Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:00-6:15pm

Alvrod Park Road, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Campus, Pine 

Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:30-6:45 pm

Alvrod Park Road, Torrington, CT 06790 

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Campus, Oak
Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 7:00-7:15 pm

Alvrod Park Road, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Campus, Maple
Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 7:15-7:30 pm

Alvrod Park Road, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Advocacy Fit Club

Group meets every Monday, times are determined by location. 

Group meets at various places

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431


Torrington – Education Connection

Group meets at various dates and times each month

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431

Group Advisor: Diane Lefebvre 860-567-0863


Torrington – Baraco

Group meets at various dates and times each month

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431

Group Advisor: Katie Adams 860-482-5682


Torrington – Community Systems Inc. (CSI)

Group meets the 1st Monday of the month from 3:30-5:00 pm

295 Alvord Park Rd, Torrington, CT 06790

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431

Group Advisor: Traci Damon


Winsted – Winsted Senior Center

Group meets at various dates and times each month

Contact:  Jeremy Powell (203) 805-7464 or
Natasha Cole (203) 805-7467 or
        Jossie Torres (203) 805-7431

Group Advisor: Ellen Schroder 860-379-8325


DDS West Region Contacts:

Beth Aura Miller, Director of Self Determination  203-805-7430

Sandi Geer, Self Determination Employment Coordinator 203-805-7460

Mallory Valdez, Self Determination Employment Instructor 203-805-7466