A Success Story Named Alison

Alison Smith
Alison Smith has proven to be a success in Special Olympics. In fact most people know her as a tri-athlete, Law Enforcement Torch Run Ambassador, a spokesperson for the Special Olympics, and as a recurring Gold-medal Winner. But what many people don’t know is that in addition to all of this, Alison has earned star status at Stern Village, the congregate housing authority for the town of Trumbull, CT where she works 5 days a week from 9 until Noon. She found her job with the help of Kennedy Employment Services of the Kennedy Center in Trumbull, CT.
Alison has been working every day since 2007, keeping homes of the residents’ sparkling while spreading joy among the seniors. If you ask any of the residents of Stern Village about Alison, a smile will appear on their face and they will share a heart-warming story about her. For her birthday, they all chipped in to give her a big cake and gift. They enjoy her energy, her zest for life, and the fact that she is thorough in her job, cleaning to satisfy even the most critical eye.
Alison often fills in a full day when co-workers are either sick or on vacation.
When you ask Alison why she likes her job, she will tell you that, “It is because I have many friends, I like to keep people happy, and I enjoy making new friends.”
Alison has been working every day since 2007, keeping homes of the residents’ sparkling while spreading joy among the seniors. If you ask any of the residents of Stern Village about Alison, a smile will appear on their face and they will share a heart-warming story about her. For her birthday, they all chipped in to give her a big cake and gift. They enjoy her energy, her zest for life, and the fact that she is thorough in her job, cleaning to satisfy even the most critical eye.
Alison often fills in a full day when co-workers are either sick or on vacation.
When you ask Alison why she likes her job, she will tell you that, “It is because I have many friends, I like to keep people happy, and I enjoy making new friends.”
Her boss, Madeline says, “She is a hard worker and is very pleasant. She is always willing to help work when a co-worker can’t. Really, Alison has a bubbly personality and that makes working with her, a joy!”
Alison says her job is important to her because it gives her an opportunity to make money and to have some quality time to buy things. Her advice to others who are looking for a job is, to do their best and to “go for your gold!”
Alison says her job is important to her because it gives her an opportunity to make money and to have some quality time to buy things. Her advice to others who are looking for a job is, to do their best and to “go for your gold!”
Alison Smith is a success both on and off the track, because no matter where she is, she always does her best!