Kaitlyn Critchley’s Success Story
A Job that Includes Wet Noses, Slobbery Kisses, and Wagging Tails
Submitted by James Louchen, DDS Self Advocate Coordinator

Kaitlyn Critchley has been employed as a Kennel Assistant at ECAD, Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities, since December 2017. A highly valued member of the team, Kaitlyn first came to ECAD as a volunteer. Her strong work ethic and can-do attitude showed the staff what an asset she was, and she took on the responsibility of being a part time employee – doing real work for real pay. Through her work at ECAD, Kaitlyn has brought an incredibly infectious positivity that inspires the whole staff daily. Seeing her compassion for all the dogs, paired with her desire to learn and help others, shines every single time she walks in the door. If there is anyone who will go above and beyond, it is Kaitlyn.
As a Kennel Assistant, Kaitlyn has quite a busy day. In addition to leading a very active lifestyle, she works tirelessly to help exercise the dogs, communicate with coworkers, and keep the Kennel clean and tidy. And while she is the sweetest person you can meet; the dogs certainly know who is in charge! Her ability to have them respond to her commands is remarkable. They both love and respect her; something that takes a special person to achieve. Kaitlyn has become someone that can be depended on to get things done and see anything through to completion. The ECAD Family is incredibly grateful to have such a bright, kind person on the team, who has shown time and time again that with some hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you put your mind to."