Karen Armington - Success Story

One Job is Not Enough When You Love to Work!
Karen Armington is a dedicated hard worker who loves her jobs. That correct “jobs” as in more than one! It started 18 years ago. Karen had a job coach in 1986 when she was in her last year of high school. The job coach assisted Karen to transition from high school to earning real work for real pay. They started going to Market 32 a couple days every week after school until Karen got comfortable to be on her own. Soon enough, Karen was independently working every Saturday from 9:00-1:00 as a Market 32 employee. At Market 32 she loves assisting the customers and having friendships with them. Some of Karen's duties include bagging, helping customers bring their groceries out to their cars, and stocking shelves.
On certain Fridays of the month, you find Karen working at Petco. Some of her duties include helping customers, going in the back room and cleaning out the animal dishes, and cleaning the sinks out. She loves to meet all the nice people and their pets. Karen said "the lizard section is just not for her!"
Karen is part of Transition Employment United which is the supporting agency she has had for 18 years. Besides her work at Market 32 and Petco, she works as part of a cleaning crew. The crew is responsible for cleaning Trinity Church and Ebner’s Office. Karen’s duties include dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, and taking out the trash.
Karen would like to thank Transition Employment United and her job coach for being so wonderful and a great support.