Kelly Bond follows her passion in getting the job she has always wanted.

A “natural” as a child care worker; Kelly is happiest when she is working with children or helping others. This love and passion assisted her in securing a competitive job Country Kids Daycare in Putnam. She has been employed since May 9th of 2016.
Kelly has always wanted to work in daycare as a career. She is thrilled to be working in her dream profession. When asked what she likes best about her job, Kelly says “ I love everything about it, my coworkers, and of course the children.”
Kelly’s responsibilities include covering all areas of the daycare as needed. She is very comfortable working with all age levels of the Country Kids Daycare. Without hesitation and with great ease, she can be working with children in the Nursery and then next minute she is having a great time with the children in the Preschool. Kelly loves working with all of the children and knows them all by name and has a great insight on each of their personalities.
The Directors of the Daycare, Michelle Y & Michelle M, have stated that Kelly is “very intuitive when it comes to the children”. With this knowledge she has helped them problem solve concerns and strengthen their program. They continue to be pleased with having Kelly on their Country Kids Daycare Team.
Northeast Placement Services supported Kelly to secure the job/career that she has always wanted. Kelly is so proud of her accomplishment and being able to work independently in the field of her choice.