Richard Goodenough and the Thomaston Savings Bank

Richard Goodenough is well acquainted with the current volatile economy and has endured his fair share of employment setbacks. That’s why he is such an ardent proponent and advocate for employment and economic productivity.
He had enjoyed stocking shelves at Kmart for five years – and then lost that job because Kmart closed; he worked for a short time at Dollar General.
Richie earnestly wanted to work and appealed to the Department of Developmental Services for help. Through that agency, he was fortuitously connected with Gary Mathews, Facilities Manager of the Thomaston Savings Bank.
The bank hired Richie as a mail courier. His duties include use of the postage machine and the sorting and delivery of mail. He also is responsible for intra-bank delivery and carries mail to and from all branches on a weekly basis.
Richie is an extraordinary worker who values his employment and productivity. He also advocates for others who share his aspirations: he will soon be hosting a support group dedicated to helping people secure employment and stay in the workforce.
Richie has abundant community spirit, as well. In October, he organized and hosted a “Clock Walk” in Thomaston where participants enjoyed an historic tour of local sites pertaining to the clock industry.
Richie’s favorite part about working at Thomaston Savings Bank? “Meeting all the new people and being around all the coworkers.”
Thomaston Savings is proud of Richie and his commitment to productivity and contribution to the economy. The bank also commends him for his enthusiastic involvement in the community in which he works.