Walkin’ the Walk!

James Louchen (SAC) and Katy Pergola (Direct Support Professional)
Walkin’ the Walk!
DDS Self Advocate Coordinators have collaborated with CT Special Olympics to develop Self Advocacy Fit Clubs. James Louchen, Self Advocate Coordinator is excited to share his group and the people who are finding this a great way to advocate and get fit!
“I am honored to be the head coach for the Special Olympics Advocacy Fit Club in the Torrington area. I feel more empowered to lose weight and I am happy to be a role model for my team. Since I started this club in August 2015 we have walked each week on the bike trail for one hour. If we are not walking the bike trail we are going out to earn pins at different walk spots and exercise facilities. I collaborated with Thomaston Savings Bank the “Thomaston Clock Walk” and had about 40 people attend! The members of the bank handed out waters and snacks. Each member has a moveable fit band that tracks our steps and miles. The goal for each day is to walk 12,000 steps which are equal to 4 miles. I enjoy walking each week with all of my friends because we get to talk about the great things we did over the weekend and holidays. I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle and I like that I can share tips with my friends each week on how to stay healthy.” James Louchen
Participants of the group are thrilled with the new way to workout and learn to advocate at the same time. This is what a few have to say:
“I’m so happy this program got to work! Thanks for having me there! It’s a great workout for me! I have a great time with my friends. Thanks for everything! Sara Foster
“I really enjoy this program. It’s fun to workout with my friends! It’s a nice walk and my staff lets me leave early to go to this program. Thank you so much!” Karen Armington
“I’m so happy to be in the program! It feels good to work out and a good time with all the new people. Thanks for having me there! Jeff
Keep walkin’ and Speak UP and Speak Out!

Torrington Self Advocacy Fit Club Members

Torrington Self Advocacy Fit Club Members