Press Releases

Press Realease Header of the Attorney General of Connecticut


Statement from AG Jepsen on EPA's Repeal of Clean Power Plan


Attorney General George Jepsen issued the following statement on the action taken today by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt to repeal the Clean Power Plan:

"While not unexpected, the EPA administrator's action today is disappointing nonetheless. EPA has a responsibility under the law – a responsibility affirmed by our country's highest court – to regulate carbon emissions. In few places is this more important than in Connecticut, which has many miles of coastline and an economy that is linked to unique and sensitive resources that will be impacted by climate change. Because the Trump Administration's EPA has clearly demonstrated that it has no interest in doing its job when it comes to carbon emissions, Connecticut will join with colleagues in other states in action to defend the Clean Power Plan and protect the health, safety and well-being of our residents."


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Jaclyn M. Severance
860-808-5324 (office)
860-655-3903 (cell)

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Facebook: Attorney General George Jepsen
Twitter: @AGJepsen