Megan A. Linske


Department of Entomology
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street
P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, CT 06504-1106
Voice:  (203)-974-8490 Fax: (203)-974-8502

Megan’s field of expertise is wildlife biology with a focus on the role of wildlife diversity in Lyme disease ecology and how the variation between Connecticut’s woodland and residential habitats. Her experience also extends into exotic invasive plant identification and management.

B.S., Environmental Science, Nazareth College 2012
M.S., Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Connecticut 2014
Ph.D., Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Connecticut 2017

Station career:
Seasonal Research Assistant 2012-2015
Agricultural Research Technician I 2015-2017
Agricultural Post-Doctoral Research Scientist 2017-Present

Her undergraduate research was conducted on the presence and concentration of the digestive enzyme chitinase in the eastern fence lizard. At the University of Connecticut, her Master’s degree research focused on trophic cascade effects of apex predator removal on invasive plants, small mammals, and blacklegged tick populations. Recent research for her doctorate concentrated on Lyme disease ecology and the role of habitat and hosts in the density and distribution of pathogen-infected blacklegged ticks. These studies encompassed the role of landscape in Lyme disease dispersion in regards to the theory of dilution effect and its applications in Connecticut. Currently, her research is being conducted on integrated tick management strategies for residential properties in Guilford, CT, distribution and consumption of a rodent vaccine for Borrelia burgdorferi in North Branford, CT, overwintering survival of blacklegged and lone star ticks, and determining the impact of a newly established population of lone star ticks in Connecticut.

Selected publications available from author,, on-line or in books.

Recent Publications:

  • Linske, M. A., S. C. Williams, J. S. Ward, and K. C. Stafford, III. 2018. Indirect effects of Berberis thunbergii infestations on Peromyscus leucopus exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi. Environmental Entomology.
  • Williams, S. C., E. A. H. Little, K. C. Stafford, III, G. Molaei, and M. A. Linske. 2018. Integrated control of juvenile Ixodes scapularis parasitizing Peromyscus leucopus in residential southwestern Connecticut. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 9: 1310-1316.
  • Linske, M. A., S. C. Williams, K. C. Stafford, III, and I. M. Ortega. 2018. Ixodes scapularis reservoir host diversity and abundance impacts on dilution of Borrelia burgdorferi in residential and woodland habitats in Connecticut, USA. Journal of Medical Entomology. Journal of Medical Entomology 55: 681-690.
  • Ward, J. S., S. C. Williams, and M. A. Linske. 2017. Influence of invasive shrubs and deer browsing on regeneration in temperate deciduous forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48(1): 58-67.
  • Williams, S. C., K. C. Stafford, III, G. Molaei, and M. A. Linske. 2017. Integrated control of nymphal Ixodes scapularis: Effectiveness of white-tailed deer reduction, the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, and fipronil-based rodent bait boxes. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 18: 55-64.
  • Williams, S. C., M. A. Linske, and J. S. Ward. 2017. Long-term effects of Berberis thunbergii management on Ixodes scapularis abundance and Borrelia burgdorferi prevalence in Connecticut, USA. Environmental Entomology 46 (6): 1329-1338.
  • Ward, J. S., S. C. Williams, and M. A. Linske. 2017. Independent effects of invasive shrubs and deer herbivory on plant community dynamics. Forests 8(2): 1-18.
  • Floyd, M. A., 2014. Trophic Cascade Effects of Deer Overabundance on Connecticut's Native Vegetation and Small Mammal Populations. University of Connecticut, Master’s Thesis.