CAPS:  Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey


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The CAPS program is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) and The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES). Through the CAPS Program, surveys are conducted to detect or delimit exotic plant pests - insects, weeds and diseases that are not known to occur in the U.S. or have been recently introduced through U.S. ports of entry or other pathways. CAPS surveys and other monitoring activities strive to protect agriculture and natural resources and to prevent economic and environmental losses.

The CAPS State Survey Committee in Connecticut (see link below) serves as an advisory group for CAPS survey activities in the state. Committee members meet several times per year to provide input on upcoming exotic pest surveys, discuss survey results and share relevant information on pest occurrences in Connecticut. Pest distribution data from surveys and other sources provided by State Survey Committee members is submitted to a national database. This information is available for retrieval upon request.






Meeting Minutes:

   Useful Links:  
   Additional funding is being provided for survey and outreach programs for:
  • giant hogweed
  • mile-a-minute vine 
  • lily leaf beetle
Dr. Kirby C. Stafford III
Chief Scientist/State Entomologist
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street, P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, Connecticut 06504
Telephone Number: 203-974-8485
Fax Number: 203-974-8502
E-mail Address:
Lead Agency: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Dr. Victoria L. Smith
Deputy State Entomologist
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington Street, P.O. Box 1106
New Haven, Connecticut 06504
Telephone Number: 203-974-8474
Fax Number: 203-974-8502
E-mail Address:
Lead Agency: The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
CAPS State Survey Committee Members:
Organization Discipline
Kate Aitkenhead USDA APHIS PPQ State Plant Health Director
Nichole Carrier USDA APHIS PPQ Pest Survey Specialist
Chris Donnelly Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, CT Tree Protector's Association Urban Forestry, Arboriculture
Katherine DugasThe Connecticut Agricultural Experiment StationState Survey Coordinator Entomology
Bill Duesing CT NOFA Organic Farming
Donna Ellis University of Connecticut Plant Science
Kevin Grady Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection  Forestry
James LaMondia The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Plant Pathology, Nematology
Chris Maier The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Entomology
Jane O'Donnell University of Connecticut Entomology
Ronald Olsen Connecticut Department of Agriculture Economics, Marketing
Claire Rutledge The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Entomology
Victoria Smith The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Plant Pathology
Kirby Stafford The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Entomology
Kimberly Stoner The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Entomology
Victoria Wallace University of Connecticut Ornamentals IPM
Theodore Andreadis The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Director Entomology
Kevin Sullivan Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association Nursery Grower
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