What should I do if a member of my household has a confirmed case of COVID-19?

Household members should follow the CDC’s home care guidance when interacting with persons with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 and their isolation rooms/bathrooms. That information can be found here:


In the bedroom/bathroom dedicated for an ill person, consider reducing cleaning frequency to as-needed (e.g., soiled items and surfaces) to avoid unnecessary contact with the ill person. 


As much as possible, an ill person should stay in a specific room and away from other people in their home.

Those living in the home should follow the CDC’s home care guidance available at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/guidance-prevent-spread.html

The caregiver can provide personal cleaning supplies for an ill person’s room and bathroom, unless the room is occupied by child or another person for whom such supplies would not be appropriate.

These supplies include tissues, paper towels, cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants (examples of such disinfectants can be found at https://www.americanchemistry.com/Novel-Coronavirus-Fighting-Products-List.pdf.

If a separate bathroom is not available, the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected after each use by an ill person. If this is not possible, the caregiver should wait as long as practical after use by an ill person to clean and disinfect the high-touch surfaces. 

For additional guidance on what to do in caring for someone who is ill, potentially with the COVID-19 virus, please visit the Center for Disease Control website:
