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Risk Management

Risk Management (RM) serves, among its varied functions, as the central portal of communication related to quality of care for children and youth involved with the Department, particularly those in licensed congregate care and therapeutic foster care.
As the central portal, RM is the conduit for the receipt of information on quality of care and programmatic/system issues and the dissemination of said information to internal DCF staff and external stakeholders.  In the flow of information, RM is also an important partner ensuring quality of services for and safety and well-being of children and youth in these settings.
Another major function of Risk Management (RM) is data collection, analysis and reporting regarding incidents related to Significant Events, Medication Errors, Critical Incidents, and other programmatic/system issues.  RM staff aggregates, examines and analyzes the data by identifying patterns and trends at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.  From which, RM staff may indicate concerns and issues requiring follow-up, intervention, or correction action, ultimately to prevent re-occurrences.
Additionally, RM staff may pinpoint strengths and successes with a goal of enabling recurrences.  Finally, Risk Management supplies a wide array of data.  RM also produces and provides reports to DCF staff, units/divisions and partners and other external stakeholders and decision-makers.
Valerie Miles
Children Services Consultant


Risk Management:
Telephone:  860-560-7095

Fax: 860-550-6482

Email: dcf.riskmanagement@ct.gov