Mobile Pharmacy

Section 3 of Public Act 23-19, permits a licensed pharmacy to operate a mobile pharmacy in temporary locations by completing an application to operate the pharmacy for the purpose of:
  1. A temporary pharmacy operation (i.e. responding to an emergency, special event, etc.);
  2. Vaccination event;
  3. Opioid antagonist training and prescribing event; or,
  4. Serving a community that may not have adequate access to pharmacy services.

The application, which can be completed using the elicense account for the pharmacy license, can be used for individual or multiple events. The Department may inspect the mobile pharmacy. The application is available online but is subject to change as the Department continues to the implementation of this process. Pharmacies that operate a mobile pharmacy must maintain the following information:

  1. A record of all drugs that are removed from the pharmacy premises for the purpose of operating such mobile pharmacy;
  2. A record of each drug that is dispensed at such mobile pharmacy and include such record in the pharmacy’s records not later than 24 hours after dispensation;
  3. A record of all drugs returned to the pharmacy by the close of business each day;
  4. While operating such mobile pharmacy, all drugs shall be stored in a manner that prevents diversion and is consistent with the storage conditions specified by the manufacturer of the drugs;
  5. Establish and maintain a communication plan to ensure that patients can obtain prescription refills if such mobile pharmacy is unavailable; and,
  6. If permitted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), store any controlled substances in the mobile pharmacy in accordance with the regulations under Section 21a-262 (the DEA does not permit this activity at this time).

Mobile Pharmacies shall not:

  1. Operate for more than seven days consecutive days in a single location;
  2. Operate for more than 14 days within a 5-mile radius of the prior mobile pharmacy location; or,
  3. Store drugs overnight in a mobile pharmacy or outside of the pharmacy premises.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I request permission to operate a mobile pharmacy?
    1. A licensed pharmacy must log in to the pharmacy’s elicense account and complete and application under “License Maintenance”.
  2. If we are doing an off-site vaccination clinic, do we now need to get approval from the Department prior to operating a mobile pharmacy?
    1. Mobile pharmacies can submit the current application and select as many locations and dates for known off-site vaccination events. No specific approval is required if the pharmacy is not storing the medication within a vehicle besides when traveling to and from the event. If the event is taking place within a vehicle, that vehicle must be inspected by the Department prior to use. The Department will be modifying the application to accept such applications differently in the future.
  3. What other types of scenarios do you foresee that a pharmacy would want to apply for a Mobile Pharmacy permit?
  1. The statute contemplates four types of events:
  1. A temporary pharmacy operation (i.e. responding to an emergency, special event, etc.);
  2. Vaccination event;
  3. Opioid antagonist training and prescribing event; or,
  4. Serving a community that may not have adequate access to pharmacy services.

