Drug Control - Pharmacist Contraceptive Prescribing

**IMPORTANT** Updated 10/2023 The proposed regulations required to support the Pharmacist Prescribing of Hormonal and Emergency Contraceptives are now available.  Pharmacists should not prescribe these medications until the regulations have been approved.




Pharmacist Contraceptive Prescribing


Section 3 of Public Act 23-52 authorizes pharmacists to prescribe and dispense emergency contraceptive or hormonal contraceptive to a patient under certain conditions.


When deemed clinically appropriate, the pharmacist may dispense emergency contraceptives or a prescription for not more than twelve months of a hormonal contraceptive. 


Hormonal Contraceptives

Emergency Contraceptives




To prescribe and dispense emergency contraceptives or hormonal contraceptives:

  • A pharmacist must have completed a training program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy education that:

  • Concerns prescribing emergency contraceptives and hormonal contraceptives by a pharmacist, and

  • Addresses appropriate medical screening of patients, contraindications, drug interactions, treatment strategies and modifications and when to refer patients to medical providers.

  • The pharmacist has reviewed the most current version of the United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or any successor document.

  • The pharmacist completes a screening document, made available on the Department of Consumer Protection’s website, and such document is retained for at least three years. The pharmacist may use their professional discretion to require more frequent screenings as clinically appropriate.  We will make the screening document available on this website as soon as it is complete.


Prescribing When Clinically Appropriate


If the pharmacist determines that prescribing an emergency contraceptive or hormonal contraceptive to a patient is clinically appropriate, the pharmacist must:

  • Counsel the patient about what the patient should monitor and when the patient should seek additional medical attention;

  • Send notice to any health care provider that the patient identifies as their primary care provider. If the patient does not disclose the identity of their primary care provider, the pharmacist must provide the patient with any relevant documentation; and,

  • Provide the patient a document outlining age-appropriate health screenings that are consistent with recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Pharmacy Technicians


Pharmacy technicians who have completed the training program described above may, at a pharmacist's request, assist the pharmacist in prescribing an emergency contraceptive or hormonal contraceptive by:

  • Providing the screening document to the patient;

  • Taking and recording the patient's blood pressure; and,

  • Documenting the patient's medical history.


The pharmacist must review the screening information collected by the pharmacy technician to determine whether the prescribing of an emergency contraceptive or hormonal contraceptive is clinically appropriate for the patient.
