Sterile Products

Compounded sterile products can be produced as a patient specific medication or a non-patient specific medication.  

Non-Patient Specific

The following list is composed of facilities both within and outside of the state of Connecticut that have appropriately registered with the state of Connecticut and the Food and Drug Administration. The state of Connecticut does not endorse any of these companies and does not maintain a list of the products that they are permitted to compound and distribute. The companies on this list are permitted to send medication that is not patient specific to a pharmacy or practitioner for dispensing or administration. Please contact the individual business to determine what products they can provide.


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Best Practices for Individuals Receiving Compounded Sterile Products

  • Upon receipt, ensure the accuracy of the product label against and the receipt provided by the compounding entity
    • Check to see if the product was stored correctly in transit.
  • Visually inspect the Compounded Sterile Product for the following:
    • Particulate matter or turbidity (a lack of product clarity due to the disturbance of particles in the compound) against a white and black background
    • Inspect the drug package for overall integrity (i.e. leaking, cracks, defects)
    • Inspect the information provided with the package or on the label for beyond use dates (BUD).
  • Follow storage directions (i.e. refrigerate, freeze, room temperature) for the specific product
  • Read the label to determine if there are any requirement for protection of the person administering the medication.
  • Read the package to determine if there are specific requirements about disposal of the medication.

If a concern is identified, first contact the company that provided the Sterile Compounded Medication and ask any questions.
