Firewood and Stove Wood Regulations

Taken from NIST Handbook 130 - 2016

2.4.  Fireplace and Stove Wood.-- For the purpose of this regula­tion, this section shall apply to the sale of all wood, natural and processed, for use as fuel or flavoring.  (Amended 1999)

2.4.1.  Definitions Fireplace and stove wood. -- Any kindling, logs, boards, timbers, or other wood, natural or processed, split or not split, advertised, offered for sale, or sold for use as fuel.  (Amended 1991) Cord. -- The amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic­­ feet when the wood is ranked and well stowed. For the pur­pose of this regulation, "ranked and well stowed" shall be construed to mean that pieces of wood are placed in a line or row, with in­dividual pieces touching and parallel to each other, and stacked in a compact manner.  Representation. -- A "repre­sentation" shall be con­strued to mean any advertise­ment, offering, in­voice, or the like that pertains to the sale of fire­place or stove wood.  Flavoring chips. -- Any kindling, logs, boards, timbers, or other natural or processed, split or unsplit wood that is advertised, offered for sale, or sold for flavoring smoked or barbequed foods.  (Added 1999)

2.4.2.  Identity.-- A representation may include a dec­lar­ation of identity that indicates­­ the species group (Example: 50 percent hickory, 50 percent miscellaneous softwood). Such a representa­tion shall indi­cate, within 10 percent ac­curacy, the percentages of each group.

2.4.3.  Quantity. -- Fireplace and stovewood shall be advertised, offered for sale, and sold only by measure, using the term "cord" and fractional parts of a cord or the cubic meter, except that:

(a) Packaged natural wood. – Natural wood offered for sale in packaged form in quantities less than 0.45 m3 (1 /8 cord or 16 ft3 ) shall display the quantity in terms of:

(1) liters, to include fractions of liters; or

(2) cubic inches, if less than one cubic foot; or

(3) cubic feet, if one cubic foot or greater, to include fractions of a cubic foot. (Amended 2010)

(b) Artificial compressed or processed logs. – A single fireplace log shall be sold by weight, and packages of such individual logs shall be sold by weight plus count.

(c) Stove wood pellets or chips. – Pellets or chips not greater than 15 cm (6 in) in any dimension shall be sold by weight. This requirement does not apply to flavoring chips. (Amended 1976 and 1991)

(d) Flavoring chips. – Flavoring chips offered for sale in packaged form in quantities less than 0.45 m3 ( 1 /8 cord or 16 ft3 ) shall display the quantity in terms of:

(1) liters, to include fractions of liters; or

(2) cubic inches, if less than one cubic foot; or

(3) cubic feet, if one cubic foot or greater, to include fractions of a cubic foot. (Added 1998)(Amended 2010)

Note: In determining the appropriate Method of Sale, a clear distinction must be made as to whether the wood is being sold primarily as fuel (some wood is sold as fuel but flavoring is a byproduct) or strictly as a wood flavoring. (Added 2010)

2.4.4.  Prohibition of Terms. -- The terms "face cord," "rack," "pile,"­ "truckload," or terms of similar import shall not be used when advertising, offering for sale, or sell­ing wood for use as fuel.

2.4.5.  Delivery ticket or sales invoice. -- A delivery ticket or sales invoice shall be presented by the seller to the pur­chaser whenever any nonpackaged fireplace or stove wood is sold.  The delivery ticket or sales invoice shall contain at least the following information:

(a)  the name and address of the vendor;

(b)  the name and address of the purchaser;

(c)the date delivered;

(d)the quantity delivered and the quantity upon which the price is based, if this differs from the de­livered quan­tity;

(e)the price of the amount delivered; and

(f) the identity in the most descriptive terms com­mer­cially practicable, including any quality rep­resentation made in connection with the sale.  (Added 1975)

Please feel free to contact the DCP Weights & Measures Division if you have a complaint about “short” cords of wood.   Phone: (860) 713-6160
