Proof of Residency


You must submit one document from the following list to prove that your home is located in Connecticut. The document must:

  • Show your name and your Connecticut residence address;
  • Be dated within 90 days (unless stated otherwise below); and
  • Be computer generated (not typed).
   Acceptable documents include:
  • Computer-generated bill or statement from a bank or mortgage company, utility company, doctor or hospital
  • Pre-printed pay stub showing both your name and address and your employer’s name and address
  • W-2 form property or excise tax bill, or Social Security Administration or other pension or retirement annual benefits summary statement and dated within the current or prior year
  • Medicaid or Medicare benefit statement
  • Current valid homeowner’s, renter’s or motor vehicle insurance policy dated within the last year
  • Current motor vehicle loan statement for a motor vehicle registered in your name
  • Residential mortgage or similar loan contract, lease or rental contract showing signatures from all parties needed to execute the agreement and dated within the last year
  • First-class mail addressed to your home address
  • Connecticut voter registration card
  • Survey of your Connecticut property issued by a licensed surveyor
  • Connecticut handgun permit
  • Motor vehicle registration