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State Drug Control Division Releases Implementation Order and Guidance for Pharmacies Regarding Executive Order 7B

Sunday, March 15th, 2020 – The Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) Drug Control Division has released an implementation order that outlines guidelines for compounding of hand sanitizers at pharmacies pursuant to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7B released on Saturday, March 14th, 2020.

DCP’s Drug Control Division has issued guidance to credential holders regarding compounding of hand sanitizers and garbing guidelines.

In addition to information related to Executive Order 7B, DCP has also released guidance for pharmacies regarding remote data entry, and remote data entry verification.

Please see DCP’s Implementation Order, and guidance letters below:


UPDATE: Please note that as of 3/27/2020 manufacturing registration requirements have been waived for all manufacturers able to follow guidelines set forth by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. Resources for these businesses can be found here. 



Media Contact:

Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 247-8711 (cell)

