Press Releases

Governor Dannel P. Malloy


Monday: Gov. Malloy Signs Legislation Encouraging the Increase of Connecticut Exports into Foreign Markets and Growth of Local Businesses

(HARTFORD, CT) - On Monday afternoon, Governor Dannel P. Malloy will hold a bill signing ceremony at Test Logic, a small business located in Middletown, where he will sign legislation (Public Act 13-56) that allows the state to prioritize economic assistance to certain businesses that are pursuing global commerce and will help get more Connecticut products into foreign markets. In particular, he will discuss the state's comprehensive initiatives to attract investments into the state and promote the export of Connecticut products.

He will be joined by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, U.S. Department of Commerce Acting Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade Kenneth E. Hyatt, Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith, Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA) President John R. Rathgeber, Middletown Mayor Daniel Drew, and state lawmakers.

WHO : Governor Malloy, Congresswoman DeLauro, U.S. Department of Commerce Acting Deputy Under Secretary Hyatt, DECD Commissioner Smith, CBIA President Rathgeber, Mayor Drew, state lawmakers
WHAT : Bill signing ceremony for small business job growth legislation
WHEN : Monday, July 15, 2013; 1:00 p.m.
WHERE : Test Logic; 17 Kenneth Dooley Drive, Middletown