Arts Day @ the Capitol - Cancelled
Arts Day 2020 @ the Capitol scheduled for April 8, 2020 has been cancelled in light of the COVID 19 concerns.
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2017 Jobs in New England Creative Economy Report
Creative workers are employed in nearly every sector that powers New England, from education, to technology and science, to major global brands. They help shape our industries and culture, defining who we are and where we want to live.
About the Connecticut Office of the Arts
The Office of the Arts works to inspire a culture of creativity in Connecticut by supporting arts making and arts participation for all people.
Helping artists with disabilities find the assistance they need, here's a compiled listing of accessibility resources for artists.
Outlines how to properly acknowledge state support and credit the Office of the Arts.
Americans for the Arts: Arts & Economic Prosperity Study V
Arts & Economic Prosperity V is Americans for the Arts’ fifth study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry's impact on the economy.
Connecticut was among the first states to enact legislation that included works of contemporary art with the construction or remodeling of state buildings.
Art Is Power: Community Roundtable Discussions
A series of curated discussions with key stakeholders from the arts, community members and professionals from various business sectors to provide unique perspectives on practices, challenges and collaborations that are occurring within the State of Connecticut
Provides funding to support access to the arts for all abilities through program and services, planning and training, and artist engagement.
Provides competitive Artistic Excellence grants as an opportunity for artists to pursue new work and achieve specific creative and career goals.
An event designed to engage and unify the arts community and to celebrate the arts across Connecticut.
Supports teaching and learning for all ages through high-quality arts engagement, community connections and arts integration.
Arts Learning - HOT Approach Implementation Grants
Providing greater access to and professional development in the Higher Order Thinking Approach.
Arts Learning Presentation Grants
Encourages arts engagement, arts integration, arts exploration and discovery experiences for learners of all ages
The Connecticut Office of the Arts will no longer be offering the Arts Project Grant Program.
Arts Workforce Initiative - Now Accepting Applications
A paid 10-week apprenticeship program giving college students/graduates, creatives and military veterans an opportunity to gain hands-on and engaging work experience.