Business Development

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  • Entertainment District

    Get Enterprise Zone benefits for municipalities that qualify for this state designation, encompassing gaming facilities, video arcades, theme parks and establishments whose primary revenue comes from alcohol sales.

  • Entrepreneurs

    Find business-development support, financial resources and tax incentives, especially for early-stage companies in many sectors.

  • Environmental Guidelines

    Review environmental guidelines for businesses that govern air, land, water, remediation as well as material and waste management.

  • Explore Our Regions

    Explore the key regions of Connecticut — and the distinctive advantages each has to offer.

  • Export Assistance Center

    Access market intelligence, practical advice and business tools designed to help U.S. companies expand in global markets.

  • Federal Financial Resources

    Let the Connecticut Small Business Development Center help you explore federal financial resources available to entrepreneurs and small business owners.

  • Federal Opportunity Zone Tax Benefits

    Learn more about the capital gains tax benefits available to qualified investors in Opportunity Zone projects.

  • Film Infrastructure Tax Credit

    Find out about the tax credit available for projects that build facilities and other structures for production in Connecticut.

  • Film, TV & Digital Media

    Find resources, from pre-production to post, as well as funding opportunities, tax incentives and business-development support.

  • Film/TV/Digital Media Tax Exemptions

    Find out more about the available tax exemptions on film, video and broadcast productions in Connecticut.

  • Financial Services

    See all the business-development support, funding opportunities and tax benefits that are making Connecticut a global financial services hub.

  • Find a Site

    Use this online database to explore the commercial properties available in Connecticut.

  • Foreign Businesses

    Find international business-development assistance, financial support and tax incentives for businesses all across the globe.

  • Get Turnaround Management Assistance

    Connect with this professional community that seeks to strengthen the global economy by working to save distressed businesses, assist management to navigate off-plan events, and help healthy companies avoid similar pitfalls.

  • Government Contracting Support

    Get help facilitating access to certification programs, training workshops, bonding assistance and bidding opportunities.