Bedrock Core Repository
The repository is a valuable compilation of the subsurface geologic record in Connecticut It includes 7,500+ feet of rock core recovered from borings throughout Connecticut.
Geological Collections Repository, Portland, CT
Professional and academic research on topics including Global Climate Change, Education, Tectonic Reconstruction, Mesozoic Stratigraphy, Resource Exploration and Hydrogeologic Investigations.
Contact State Geologist, Margaret Thomas or Repository Curator, Randolph Steinen to make arrangements for study and limited sampling.
Contact State Geologist, Margaret Thomas or Repository Curator, Randolph Steinen to make arrangements for study and limited sampling.
Adding to the Collection
Limited space is currently available to receive donations of rock core for permanent archiving. Additions to the collection will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Core Locations
To view the pdf file of core locations in a specific geologic terrane or bedrock formation, select the area of interest. You can also view the Web Core Data Table containing detailed geologic information relating to each core.
To view the pdf file of core locations in a specific geologic terrane or bedrock formation, select the area of interest. You can also view the Web Core Data Table containing detailed geologic information relating to each core.