Microfiber Pollution

What are microfibers?
Microfibers are synthetic, microscopic fibers that come from synthetic materials, including polyesters and polyamides. Microfibers are used to make mats, knits and weaves for apparel. These tiny fibers are very small and almost invisible. Human activity has led to microfiber pollution in oceans and rivers.
Final Report to the CT General Assembly
The microfiber pollution working group has issued a final report which was submitted to the legislature in January 2020.
NEW for 2020! Report to the Legislature on the Findings of the Synthetic Microfiber Working Group
What is the Microfiber Pollution Working Group?
- Meeting agenda
- Presentations:
- Tom Metzner
- Timnit Kefala, PhD Student, Bren School at University of California Santa Barbara
- Lisa Erdle, PhD Student, University of Toronto
- Meeting notes
Scientific Studies:
- Microplastics in Seafood and the Implications for Human Health
- Plastic fragments, including microplastics, are now ubiquitous on land, in freshwaters, and in the ocean.
- Plastic microfiber ingestion by deep-sea organisms
- Microfiber Masses Recovered from Conventional Machine Washing of New or Aged Garments
- The great lint migration