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LEP Verification Audit Program

The Commissioner may conduct an audit of any action authorized by law to be performed by an environmental professional licensed pursuant to CGS Section 22a-133v.

The purpose of the Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) Verification Audit Program is to ensure that the opinions ("verifications") of the LEP are based on an appropriate understanding of the environmental conditions of the site and that the verification is in compliance with all applicable statutes and regulations, including the Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs).

An audit may focus on specific issues, such as the appropriateness of a specific decision of the LEP or the application of specific provisions of the RSRs. Most audits will be a full technical review of the investigation and remediation of the subject parcel or release area and the appropriateness of the LEP’s application of the RSRs. All audits shall be conducted in accordance with established standard procedures.

If, at the conclusion of the audit, the outstanding issues regarding the verification meet the criteria for referral established by the State Board of Examiners of Environmental Professionals ("Board") and/or indicate potential violations of the LEP regulations, the Department may refer the LEP to the Board for an investigation. To obtain information about an LEP's verification record, contact Robert Robinson, Audit Program Coordinator, Remediation Division, DEEP.

LEP Verification Audit Program Fact Sheet

Investigation, or site characterization, is expected to be conducted in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines. The Site Characterization webpage provides resources that assist the environmental professional in understanding the standard of care expected when characterizing a site under various Connecticut cleanup programs.

Verification Report Guidance Document

LEP Program


Content Last Updated May 12, 2017