Late Fees for
Overdue Emissions Tests
State law requires DMV to charge a $20.00 late fee to the owner of a vehicle who did not meet the deadline to complete required emissions testing.  Failure to pay your emission late fee may affect the ability to renew or register the vehicle that was late.
This fee could be due to:
  • The vehicle owner did not have an emissions test on the vehicle.
  • The vehicle owner had the test more than 30 days past the due date.
  • The vehicle failed an emissions test and did not have the vehicle retested within 60
  • The vehicle was issued a time extension and the vehicle was not tested before the extension expired.
Do I Owe a Late Fee?   
If you're not sure you owe an emissions test late fee, you can check here
Payment Options (Save Time, Pay Online!)  
Once you have confirmed that you owe the late fee or recieved a bill in the mail, you can pay:
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a specific question about the emissions late fee?  Review our online list of frequently asked questions with answers. 
To find a future test date for a vehicle, and other detailed information about the emissions test process, please visit 
Pay Emissions Late Fee Now