File a NonMortgage Foreclosure Complaint


Mortgages on Primary Residences in Connecticut - Complaint Notice:

The Department of Banking (DOB) accepts complaints regarding your non-mortgage foreclosure  

How do I submit a complaint?
  1. Attempt to resolve the dispute by contacting the entity who filed the foreclosure:
    • Condominium Association: the law firm that is representing the condominium association
    • Property Tax: Town Tax Collector’s Office
    • Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA): your town authority
  2. You may also contact the following for assistance. The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) has a loan program, the Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (EMAP) that you can apply for if you have a mortgage on your property.  You may also contact a Small Loan Lender to apply for a loan. 

Online Customer Assistance Form

Helpful Resources

Housing Guides:

Telephone Direct: 860-240-8170
Toll-free: 1-800-831-7225, ext. 8170
Foreclosure Assistance Hotline:  1-877-472-8313

By Email:

Please Note:

This is an unsecured e-mail address for general questions.  Please do not include personal identifying information such as Social Security and/or account numbers, birth date, user ID, or passwords using this unsecured e-mail address.  To send a Secure Message log into the Online Assistance Form.