Department of Banking and People's Bank Work Together to Notify
Customers of Lost Tape Containing Confidential Information
January 11, 2006 -
The Department of Banking was informed by People’s Bank that a tape containing confidential data was lost recently while being transported to a credit reporting bureau. The tape contains personal information for approximately 90,000 customers. It includes information related to customers and bank employees who have a People’s Bank personal credit line (PCL), the “overdraft protection” associated with their personal checking account. Customers who were affected were notified by mail. This incident does not affect any other People’s accounts.
“This is an isolated incident," said Banking Commissioner John P. Burke. “People’s Bank has been working with their staff and the Banking Department to make sure that all customer information remains safe and secure.”
People’s has no reason to believe the data has been used inappropriately and has received no reports of unauthorized activity. The information is not sufficient to allow unauthorized access to customers’ accounts, and there is no need for customers to close any accounts to safeguard their security. For the affected customers People’s Bank will provide a monitoring service for one year.
The Department of Banking recommends visiting the People’s Bank Web site or calling 1-866-867-5295, for additional information.