Specific Requirements B

Connecticut Department of Transportation


1. Background History

ConnDOT has contracted with a Consulting Engineering firm to perform highway or bridge design work, construction engineering and inspection or other consultant services. Many of these projects are federally funded.

2. Purpose of the Audit

To determine if the costs billed on the project are within the terms of the agreement(s) and the applicable regulations.

3. Criteria Used in Determining Allowable Costs

Criteria for determining allowable costs are the Federal Acquisition Regulations System (Subparts #31.0, 31.1 and 31.2), the State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management General Letter No. 97-1 and the terms of the agreement(s).

4. Information to be Submitted with Audit Request

The following list provides updated information that should be submitted with each audit request for final payment:

  1. Entity Name

  2. State Project Number

  3. Federal Aid Project Number (if applicable)

  4. Spreadsheet/Summary of project costs billed

  5. Summary of Adjustments to Billings by the Administrating Unit, or at a minimum, a listing of the invoices adjusted

  6. Total payments to date including any payments in process

  7. Copy of consultant’s final invoice

  8. SBE/DBE information when there is a contractual requirement

  9. AGREEMENT NUMBERS ONLY of all State/Consultant agreement(s)

  10. Copies of ALL Prime/Sub-consultant agreement(s)

  11. Copy of "Notice of Completion of Construction" for construction inspection projects (Con 58)

  12. Copies of all pertinent correspondence regarding extra work, direct costs, authorizations, etc.

  13. Copies of Pay-rate approval letters

  14. Summary of non-federal participating costs by invoice (i.e.: project manager’s)

  15. Copies of Authorization to Proceed

5. Office (Party) Responsible for Requesting Audit

  • Contract Administrator

It is the Contract Administrator’s responsibility to ensure any contractually required audits are submitted by the Consultant to the State. This includes Indirect Cost (BFO) audits, Audits of In-House Billing Rates for both the prime consultant and any sub-consultants.

6. Reports

Reports are sent to the requesting office, which forwards a copy to the company.

7. Other Considerations

a. If, subsequent to issuance of our final report, the administrating unit decides to enter into a supplemental agreement for any additional monies due the consultant and an agreement is consummated, another request for final audit must be submitted. This is necessary to ensure that the original audit is updated to reflect the new numbers. The amounts per our report must agree with ConnDOT’s Construction by Function detail to assist with Federal Billing purposes.

b. If any payments are requested and/or made subsequent to the request for final audit, the Office of External Audits should be notified immediately and sent copies since this will affect the accuracy of our payment status contained in the report.

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