Low literacy materials concerning varied diabetes related topics are posted below.

Blood Sugar
Keep it under control to stay well. (posted online conversation English, brochure English, brochure Spanish)
Are you depressed? Your medical provider can help. (posted online brochure available in English and Spanish)
Healthy Eating
Dietary practices are important to the control of diabetes. (posted online conversation English, brochure English, brochure Spanish)
Take your medicine. It will help you stay healthy. (posted online brochure available in English and Spanish)
Physical Activity and Stepping
Physical activity is an important diabetes self-management behavior. (posted online conversation English, brochure English, brochure Spanish)
Stress is a threat to effective diabetes control. There are simple ways to relax. (posted online conversation English, brochure English, brochure Spanish)
Support Mechanisms
Family and friends should be made aware of the importance of their support for those living with diabetes. (posted online conversation English, brochure English, brochure Spanish)
Other Resources
- American Diabetes Association ADA
- American Heart Association AHA
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International JDRF
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease NIDDK
- National Institutes of Health NIH
- American Association of Diabetes Educators AADE
- National Diabetes Education Program NDEP