Pandemic flu is a worldwide outbreak of a new strain of flu virus. During a flu pandemic, millions of people could get sick, forcing many businesses to cut back on production or the delivery of services. In some cases, businesses may even be forced to close. Having plans in place to address employee illness and shortages will help your business stay productive.
Click the following link to download a checklist of things that your business can do to Be Prepared for Pandemic Flu (pdf).
Seasonal Influenza
If you are interested in hosting a flu immunization clinic at your work location, many health agencies will come to the workplace to administer the flu vaccine to employees. For a current list, Workplace flu vaccinations (pdf)
For information on how to organize a workplace clinic: Planning a workplace clinic is a step-by-step guide to hosting a flu vaccination clinic in the workplace.
Business Planning
Influenza Pandemic Continuity of Operations Resource Page (CT Department of Information Administrative Services Bureau of Enterprise Systems and Technology)
Pandemic Influenza: What Businesses Can Do Checklist (CT Department of Public Health)
Pandemic Flu Planning for Business (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- FEMA Planning Guide for Business & Industry
- Incident Command: Staff Descriptions and How It Should Operate
- Workplace Toolkit: Download Tips and Posters in Spanish and English on flu prevention and vaccination