With summer officially upon us, the Department of Public
Health (DPH) reminds the public to
keep safety in mind as they go about their daily activities
this season.
recommends the following
safety tips:
Safety on
the Road
Buckle up on every trip in the car, even if it’s just a short ride around town.
Younger children should ride in size and age-appropriate car safety seats.
Avoid distractions while driving. Do not text or use your cell phone while driving.
Never a leave children or pets in a parked car – interior temperatures can reach deadly levels in minutes even during moderate temperatures. Look before you lock!
Parking in the shade with a window cracked open DOES NOT stop heat stroke or over heating.
If you see a child (or pet) left in a car unattended call 911 immediately!
Bike and Recreational Safety
- Wear a bicycle helmet every time you get on a bike. Helmets can reduce your risk of head injury by up to 85 percent in a bicycle crash.
Supervise younger children and assure that they ride with supervision in safe areas away from traffic.
Wear a compliant helmet, goggles, and long sleeves and pants when riding an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV); never carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV and no more than one passenger on an ATV designed for two people.
Wear appropriate multi-sport helmets and safety gear to prevent injuries while skate boarding, inline skating or riding a scooter.

Teach your children to look left, right and left again when crossing the street.
Walk on sidewalks whenever possible, and cross safely using traffic signals and crosswalks.
If there are no sidewalks, always walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
Watch for cars that are turning or are backing up, especially in driveways and parking lots.
Wear clothing with reflective materials and carry a turned on flashlight at dusk and dark.
Bring a cell phone with you in case of emergencies.

Play and Sports
Check playground equipment, whether it’s in the backyard or at the park, to make sure it is in good repair.
Playgrounds should have protective surfacing under and around the equipment to protect against falls. This can include sand, mulch, wood chips, shredded tires, or rubber mats.
If you or your family plays team sports, be sure to use all the appropriate safety gear.
Learn to recognize the signs of a concussion and seek medical treatment immediately.
Never leave your child unattended on a playground as accidents can happen quickly.
Always bring a cell phone with you in case of emergencies.
Safety In and Around Water
An adult should always supervise children in or near water.
Drowning can occur in minutes and in just a few inches of water. Whenever an infant or toddler is in or near water an adult should always be within an arm’s length providing "touch" supervision.
When boating, everyone should wear US Coast Guard approved life jackets.
Consider taking a boating safety course, and remember, just as with drinking and driving, alcohol and swimming or boating don’t mix.
Be ready for emergencies by learning CPR and first aid. Keep a phone with you.
Learning how to swim is a safety skill that last a lifetime. It is never too late to learn.
Classes are available for children and adults at many town recreational centers or through the Red Cross.
Swimming (CDC)
Safety in the Sun
and Heat
Avoid sun burning, and intentional tanning. Use sunless tanning products instead.
The sun is strongest between 10am and 2pm. Plan your activities accordingly.
Apply sunblock generously (SPF 15 minimum). Reapply frequently if in the water.
Wear sun protective clothing, wear a brimmed hat, and sunglasses.
Take periodic breaks from the sun and heat. Seek air conditioning, hydrate, and cool off.
Drinking fluids on an ongoing basis is important to avoiding dehydration. Sip frequently.
Infants, children, and the elderly dehydrate faster that adults and need special attention.
Playing sports/exercising during the heat increases dehydration risks.
Drink 16 ounces of fluids per hour minimum.
Safety Around the

Never depend on screens to keep children from falling out of windows.
Open windows from the top, not the bottom, whenever possible.
Keep furniture away from windows to discourage children from climbing near windows.
Install window stops so that windows open no more than four inches.
Install window guards with no more than 4 inches apart to prevent children from falling out of windows.
For windows on the 6th floor and below, install window guards that adults and older children can open easily in case of fire. For windows on the 7th floor and above, install permanent window guards.
Window guards screw into the side of a window frame. They are sold in different sizes for various sized windows and adjust for width.
Guards must meet requirements for spacing and strength, and those that allow for escape in case of emergencies must be difficult for very young children to open.
Be sure large furniture such as bureaus and book cases are secured to the wall to prevent them falling on children who might try to climb on them.
Purchase cabinet and door safety locks and move any potential hazards and poisons to a locked cabinets out of reach of children.
Know the poison control number and put it in your cell phone: 1-800-222-1222
Outdoor Food Safety
Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent illness in general including food borne illnesses.
Wash your hands especially when you have been in public places.
Always wash hands before preparing and eating food. Remind kids, too.
If soap and water is not available, hand sanitizer is your best option.
Learn how to BBQ and cook food appropriately to avoid food borne illness.
Know the picnic food refrigeration guidelines to avoid food borne illness.
Make sure you know how to use a propane and/or charcoal grill safely to avoid burns and hazards.
Mosquitos and Tick
Mosquitos and ticks are out through the summer and early Fall.
Wear protective clothing and use repellant with DEET for best protection, especially if you are going into wooded areas. Use day and night for best protection.
Do not use bug repellant on babies under 2 months of age.
Apply sunblock first, let it dry, and then apply bug repellant.
- Check clothing and skin regularly for ticks especially when coming indoors.
- Teach kids how to check themselves for ticks independently so they can when at camp.
- Learn how to remove a tick safely and always call your health care provider if you think you may have been bitten.
- Concerned about Zika? Learn what you can do to protect yourself. The new state website is listed below!
Summer Celebrations
- Enjoy the 4th of July and all summer celebrations but remember that ALL fireworks are illegal in the State of Connecticut with the exception of sparklers.
- If you use sparklers, always follow good personal and fire safety practices. Teach kids, too.
- Drink responsibly : Adults should plan ahead and have a designated driver if they are going to consume alcohol. Serving alcohol to minors under age 21 is illegal.
Severe Weather Safety
Summer temperatures increase the likelihood of thunderstorms and severe weather. Know the signs to be safe.
When in doubt and the weather seems unstable avoid going outdoors and/or seek shelter.
Stay out of the water (pools, lakes, ocean), and off the water (boating).
Avoid contact with electrical equipment or cords.
Unplug appliances and other electrical items such as computers and turn off air conditioners.
Avoid contact with running water and plumbing. Do NOT: wash your hands, take a shower, wash dishes, or do laundry.
Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches.
Avoid hilltops and open fields. Take shelter in a sturdy building.
Avoid contact with anything metal— motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, bicycles, etc.
If you are driving, safely exit the roadway or pull over and park. Stay in the vehicle and turn on the emergency flashers until the heavy rain ends. Avoid touching metal or other surfaces that conduct electricity in and outside the vehicle.
about hurricanes (Ready.gov)
To see more health tips be sure to follow CT DPH on Facebook and Twitter or call 860-509-7599