CEMSAB CMED Communications Committee
Chair: Betty Morris
This is a committee of the CT EMS Advisory Board (CEMSAB) whose focus is providing insight, information and recommendations on or about EMS Communications in Connecticut. The Committee is comprised of a representative from each DPH authorized Coordinator Medical Emergency Direction (CMED), and a representative from each Regional EMS Council with support from the DPH Regional EMS Coordinators.
The Committee typically meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
CMED Communications Committee 2020 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month | Documents |
February | agenda, minutes |
January | No meeting held |
CMED Communications Committee 2019 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Month | Documents |
December | agenda, minutes |
November | No meeting held |
October | agenda, minutes |
September | agenda, minutes |
August | No meeting held |
July | No meeting held |
June | agenda, minutes |
May | agenda, minutes |
April | agenda, minutes |
March | agenda, minutes |
February | No meeting held |
January | No meeting held |