EMT Temporary Permit for applicants that have held a Paramedic license only
An applicant who held Connecticut EMT certification prior to becoming licensed as a paramedic in Connecticut may be eligible for a one year, non-renewable, temporary EMT permit.
In order to be eligible for the one-year temporary permit, an applicant must have been certified as a Connecticut EMT prior to becoming licensed as a paramedic in Connecticut (such EMT certificate and paramedic license must have expired prior to the submission of the application and the paramedic license must have expired last.
Holders of temporary EMT permits may qualify for reinstatement of a lapsed paramedic license or EMT certification provided the applicant can demonstrate that he/she meets the requirements for EMT reinstatement or only if the paramedic meets the requirements as indicated in the paramedic instructions for reinstatement. To obtain an application for reinstatement of a paramedic license please visit our OEMS website by clicking here.
Documentation Requirements:
- A completed EMT Temporary Permit Application.