Asthma Maps
Asthma Program Activities, 2017
This map shows alignment between State Asthma Program activities and burden data in order to ensure program resources are focused on areas and populations (Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Stamford, New Britain, New London, and Waterbury) with poor asthma outcomes.
Emergency Department Visit rates by Census Tract
Estimates based on the number of Emergency Department visits, as reported to the Connecticut Hospital Information Management Exchange (CHIME), and the 2010 Census population data at the census tract level, per 10,000 population
Asthma Data by Census Tract and Town
The tables below and accompanied maps (where available - in bold) show Connecticut asthma hotspots by town and census tract level, and are used by the State Asthma Program to ensure program activities are in line with burden data and that program resources are focused on areas and populations with poor asthma outcomes.
The analyzed hospital discharge (2010-2014) data are obtained from the Connecticut Hospital Association, CHIME. Denominator data are from the US Census Bureau census tract data (2010); 77% of overall combined ED and hospitalization events were geocoded by census tract level [ESRI ArcGIS], and the remaining 23% of events were equally weighted and redistributed proportionally within each town across the state. Therefore, all numbers and rates are estimates only, and reflect all asthma hospitalizations and ED visits that occurred in Connecticut from 2010-2014.
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