Reinstatement of a Lapsed License
Before applying for licensure, please familiarize yourself with the general licensing policies.
An applicant for reinstatement of a Connecticut license that has lapsed due to nonrenewal shall arrange for the submission of the following documentation to this office directly from the source:
A completed, notarized application with photo and fee in the amount of $200.00 in the form of a check or money order payable to, “Treasurer, State of Connecticut”;
The applicant’s current curriculum vitae (CV) or synopsis of professional activity since completion of the applicant's radiography educational program;
Verification of completion of 12 hours of continuing education (CE) during the one year period immediately preceding the date of application;
Verification of any state license held, current or expired submitted directly to this office from the source. The purpose of the verification is to document that the applicant has not been subject to disciplinary action such other state. Please contact the jurisdiction for instructions on how to arrange for the submission of the verification;
Verification from the appropriate authority confirming the applicant's most recent clinical experience including dates and overall evaluation of the applicant's ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
Typically, applicants for reinstatement who have not been in active clinical practice for longer than five years are required to complete a period of refresher training. Applicants will receive further information from the Department upon receipt of all required documentation.
Please arrange for all supporting documentation to be sent directly from the source to:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Radiographer Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7603
Fax: (860) 707-1982