FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    Connecticut Department of Public Health

October 30, 2007                                             Contact: William Gerrish

                                                                         (860) 509-7270


Hartford – The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) urges parents to take precautions to help prevent injury and illness to children during Halloween.


“Halloween is a holiday filled with fun and excitement for children of all ages,” stated Governor M. Jodi Rell.  “I urge parents to take precautions both before and after trick-or-treating to keep our children safe this Halloween.”


DPH makes the following recommendations:


Treat Tips:

·     Don’t allow children to eat any candy before it is inspected for signs of tampering such as ripped packaging, pinholes, discoloring or any other unusual appearance.

·     Children should only eat commercially prepared and packaged snacks. Homemade candy or baked goods should be discarded.

·     If juice or cider is served to children at Halloween parties, make sure it is pasteurized or otherwise treated to destroy harmful bacteria. Don’t allow children to accept drinks from unknown people.


Costume Tips:

·     Use of face paint rather than a mask can help children see better and avoid dangerous objects such as cars and tripping hazards. Follow all paint directions and never decorate your face with things that are not intended for use on skin. If decorating skin with a product you have never used before, try a dab on an arm for a couple of days to check for an allergic reaction before applying to your face.

·     Decorate or trim costumes with reflective tape that will glow in the beam of a car’s headlights.

·     Purchase only flame resistant costumes, masks, beards, and wigs.

·     Decorative contact lenses should only be used if distributed by an eye care professional.


Trick or Treating Tips:

·     An adult, or an older, responsible child should always accompany small children.

·     Children should walk, not run, from house to house using sidewalks, instead of walking in the street.

·     Children should only approach houses with outside lights on as a sign of welcome.

·     Carry a flashlight to help see and be seen.

·     Children should not enter homes or apartments unless accompanied by an adult.

·     Be aware of obstacles on lawns, steps and porches, especially candle-lit jack-o-lanterns that may be brushed by a child’s costume, as the costume may catch fire.


For more information please visit The U.S. Food and Drug Administration website at:

