FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Connecticut Department of Public Health
June 12, 2008 Contact: William Gerrish
(860) 509-7270
Connecticut Launches Hand Washing Campaign to Address Healthcare Associated Infections
TO: News Departments/Reporters
WHAT: The launch of Connecticut’s new hand washing campaign, designed to raise awareness of every resident’s role in reducing healthcare-associated infections. Hospitals and nursing homes will be asked to pledge their support for the campaign and to help sustain year-long educational efforts to protect their patients, employees, and Connecticut’s communities.
The kick-off event and educational campaign are part of a larger health-care associated infections initiative, including a statewide reporting system for health care associated infections. WHEN: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Old Judiciary Room, 3rd Floor, State Capitol, Hartford WHO: Speakers: Connecticut Hospital CEOs, Connecticut Nursing Home Directors, and members of the Healthcare Associated Infections Advisory Committee will also be in attendance. ###