Healthy Connecticut 2020 Performance Dashboard


Just as a car's dashboard provides the driver with a quick view of how the car is functioning, the Healthy Connecticut 2020 Performance Dashboard displays in a simple visual format, how the residents of Connecticut are faring in health improvement target areas such as heart disease, obesity, obtaining vaccinations, exposure to environmental risks, and many more as identified in HealthyConnecticut 2020 State Health Improvement Plan. The plan is carried out by the Connecticut State Health Improvement Coalition and seven action teams.  You can learn more at Connecticut State Health Improvement Coalition.


The Performance Dashboard is built on the concepts of Results Based Accountability™ and specifically displays:

  • Population Indicators (e.g., proportion of children in third grade who have dental decay) identify the health status of Connecticut residents for which DPH, other state and local agencies, and community partners all share responsibility.
  • Performance Measures (e.g., number of children with dental sealants) tell us whether DPH interventions that affect population indicators (e.g., proportion of children in third grade who have dental decay), are achieving objectives, and if our agency's actions are helping to improve health. 
  • Strategies -are those that DPH and its partners are using to improve health to meet targets for improvement.
  • Current Year Priority Strategies and Actions – are detailed for those strategies that were selected by the SHIP Action Teams to receive attention in the current year and were more fully developed in the form of Action Agendas.  These are linked to selected priority strategies throughout the dashboard – in the strategy section. 

The Dashboard currently displays data and information on a subset of population indicators from Healthy Connecticut 2020. Ongoing data development and implementation will continue throughout until 2020. Links to the Dashboard for each health improvement area and to relevant sections of the Plan are given in the table below.


*Please use Google Chrome or Firefox to best view the Healthy CT 2020 Dashboard.  
Health Connecticut 2020 Focus Area and Areas of Concentration Performance Dashboard Health Disparity Dashboard
1. Maternal, Infant, & Child Health (PDF) Dashboard
Reproductive and Sexual Health Dashboard
Preconception and Pregnancy Care Dashboard
Birth Outcomes Dashboard
Child Health and Well-being Dashboard
Infant and Child Nutrition Dashboard
2. Environmental Risk Factors & Health (PDF) Dashboard
Lead Dashboard
Drinking Water Quality Dashboard
Outdoor Air Quality Dashboard
Healthy Homes Dashboard
Healthy Communities Dashboard
3. Chronic Disease Prevention & Control (PDF) Dashboard
Heart Disease Dashboard
Cancer Dashboard
Stroke Dashboard
Diabetes & Chronic Kidney Disease Dashboard
Asthma & Chronic Respiratory Disease Dashboard
Oral Health Dashboard
Obesity Dashboard
Tobacco Dashboard
4. Infectious Disease Prevention & Control (PDF) Dashboard
Vaccine-preventable Diseases Dashboard
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Dashboard
HIV Infection Dashboard
Tuberculosis Dashboard
Hepatitis C Dashboard
Vector-borne Diseases Dashboard
Foodborne Illness & Infections Dashboard
Healthcare Associated Infections Dashboard
5. Injury and Violence Prevention (PDF) Dashboard
Falls Dashboard
Motor Vehicles & Motorcycle Accidents Dashboard
Suicide & Self-inflicted Injury Dashboard
Traumatic Brain Injury Dashboard
Sports Injuries Dashboard
Occupational Injuries Dashboard
Drug Overdoses Dashboard
Child Maltreatment Dashboard
Sexual Violence Dashboard
6. Mental Health, Alcohol, & Substance Abuse (PDF) Dashboard
Mental Health & Mental Disorders Dashboard
Alcohol Abuse Dashboard
Substance Abuse Dashboard
Exposure to Trauma Dashboard
7. Health Systems (PDF) Dashboard
Access to Health Services Dashboard
Quality Care & Patient Safety Dashboard
Health Equity, Cultural Competency, and Language Services Dashboard
Electronic Health Records Dashboard
Public Health Infrastructure Dashboard
Primary Care & Public Health Workforce Dashboard
Emergency Preparedness and Response Dashboard