Walk-in services at all DRS branch office locations remain suspended. Email DRS at drs@po.state.ct.us. Email the Priority One Taxpayer Assistance Program: DRSPriorityOne_CollectionsAssist@po.state.ct.us. Please check our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Ruling 89-122, Casual Sale

This information is not current and is being provided for reference purposes only

This Ruling has been obsoleted by AN 2000(8) 

Occasional/casual lawnmowing means an individual performing one, two or three jobs per season to residential real estate which is not rendered by a trade or business. (In this situation, an individual may or may not be a minor.) The charge for lawn-mowing services provided to one or more customers on an ongoing basis constitutes a trade or business, and this would be subject to sales and use tax.


September 26, 1989