The Governors Residence Conservancy

Read time: 6 minutes

The State of Connecticut owns the Residence, but is aided in the mission of fulfilling the public purposes of the property by the Governor’s Residence Conservancy, Inc. The Conservancy was launched during the administration of Governor William O’Neill and was incorporated in 1993 during the administration of Governor Lowell P. Weicker, Jr.

It is a nonprofit organization and is responsible for planning and supervising the preservation, restoration and maintenance of the Residence and its grounds. The Conservancy is modeled after many similar entities used by other states to care for the residences of governors as well as the White House Foundation. It is committed to furnishing the Residence with a special focus on furnishings created by artists and craftsmen in the State of Connecticut. The public areas of the house have been restored through hundreds of donations and the work of volunteer members of the Conservancy.

The Conservancy has privately raised millions of dollars for the acquisition, restoration, maintenance and care of Connecticut art and furnishings of historic significance for the Governor’s Residence. One of the fundamental goals of the Conservancy is to enhance the Residence and to bear much of the financial burden for its improvements, which would otherwise be an expense of the state. The items purchased or donated are the property of the Conservancy and are on display in the home year-round. Several of Connecticut’s fine art museums frequently make loans of art for display in the Residence.


Governor's Residence Conservancy meeting (December 13, 2022).

Learn about the Governor's Residence.


About Governor Lamont