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Governor Ned Lamont

Governor Lamont Provides Update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Efforts

Latest Data as of 6:00PM on Monday, March 9, 2020

Key Points:

  • On Monday afternoon, the Connecticut DPH State Laboratory confirmed an additional positive case of COVID-19, bringing the total number of positive cases in the state to two. More information regarding the second positive case will be available after the patient and their family have been notified.
  • LabCorp is fully operational with COVID-19 testing. Quest Diagnostics expects to have testing available soon.
  • DPH issued a directive to all nursing and convalescent homes on Monday imposing restrictions on visitation to constrain the spread of COVID-19.

(HARTFORD, CT) – As the State of Connecticut continues to ramp up its preparedness and response efforts amid the global spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Governor Ned Lamont provided the following updates to the residents of Connecticut as of 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2020:

Data updates from the State Laboratory and developments on expanded testing sites

On Monday afternoon, the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) State Laboratory identified a presumptive positive case of COVID-19 involving a second Connecticut resident. More information regarding the second positive case will be available after the patient and their family have been notified.

This brings the total number of positive COVID-19 cases in Connecticut to two. So far, the State Laboratory has completed tests of 56 individuals. Two have tested positive, and 54 have tested negative.

Over the weekend, the State Laboratory received a second COVID-19 test kit. This boosts the state’s testing capacity to allow for approximately 1,200 patients to be tested at the State Laboratory. The lab can complete between 15 and 20 tests per day, and the kit provides for 600 individuals to be tested.

The COVID-19 testing capabilities at LabCorp have become fully operational. Quest Diagnostics is in the process of getting testing online and expects it to be available soon. All individuals being tested by these facilities must be referred by a physician in advance. Nobody should arrive at any of these facilities requesting to be tested.

Any positive test results that are conducted by each of these providers will be reported to DPH to be calculated and reported in the state’s testing data.

DPH issues directive on visitation for all nursing and convalescent homes

Nursing and convalescent homes in states outside of Connecticut and in countries throughout the world have experienced clusters of COVID-19 infections impacting their facilities. In response and as a preventative measure, DPH on Monday afternoon issued a directive with new restrictions on visitation at all nursing and convalescent homes in Connecticut. Effective immediately, the restrictions permit visitors to enter these facilities only if the person who is residing at one of these facilities is in hospice or end-of-life care and the visitors are wearing proper personal protective equipment.

The directive was issued by DPH after consultation with the Connecticut State Long Term Care Ombudsman, recognizing the elevated risk for COVID-19 to spread in enclosed healthcare facilities with highly vulnerable nursing home residents, some with serious underlying health conditions.

Department of Banking advises financial services sector on employees working from home

On Monday afternoon, the Connecticut Department of Banking issued a memo advising the mortgage industry and other financial services sectors licensed by the agency that it will take a no action position with regard to employees working from home who otherwise would be required to work from a licensed branch location. This allows employees to work from home if they meet certain requirements:

  • The employee works for a licensee of the department
  • Working from home is related to COVID-19
  • Individuals must maintain their license
  • No activity should be conducted with the public at the home location
  • The licensee must continue to reasonably supervise the employee

This is part of a comprehensive effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and minimize the impact on Connecticut businesses. Licensees are encouraged to read the full no action memo by clicking here.

Providing information for Connecticut residents

For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut on COVID-19, including guidance and other resources, all residents in the state are encouraged to visit

Individuals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can also call 2-1-1 for assistance. The information line is available 24 hours a day and has multilingual assistance and TDD/TTY access for those with a hearing impairment. The hotline only intended to be used by individuals who are not experiencing symptoms but may have general questions related to COVID-19. Anyone experiencing symptoms is strongly urged to contact their medical provider to seek treatment.

Between Friday and Monday, the 2-1-1 information line has taken 252 phone calls from residents.


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210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106