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Governor Ned Lamont

Governor Lamont Provides Update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus Response Efforts

Latest Data as of 7:00PM on Tuesday, April 21, 2020

(HARTFORD, CT) – As the State of Connecticut continues taking actions in response to the global spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Governor Ned Lamont provided the following updates as of 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020:

Data updates on testing in Connecticut

The following is a summary of the day-to-day newly reported data on cases, deaths, and tests in Connecticut. It is important to note that these newly reported updates include data that occurred over the last several days to a week. All data in this report are preliminary, and data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.

Overall Summary

Statewide Total

Change Since Yesterday

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases



COVID-19-Associated Deaths



Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19



Patients tested for COVID-19



County-by-county breakdown:


Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19-Associated Deaths

Fairfield County




Hartford County




Litchfield County




Middlesex County




New Haven County




New London County




Tolland County




Windham County




Pending address validation








For several additional graphs and tables containing more data, including a list of cases in every municipality, visit

Governor Lamont signs 30th executive order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

Governor Lamont today signed another executive order – the 30th since he enacted the emergency declarations – that builds upon his efforts to encourage mitigation strategies that slow down transmission of the virus. Executive Order No. 7CC enacts the following provisions:

  • Applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 7 to additional critical and time-sensitive municipal fiscal actions: Expands Section 7 of Executive Order No. 7S, permitting a municipality’s legislative body and budget-making authority to jointly authorize certain actions by a majority vote of each body to include additional time sensitive and essential actions among which such bodies may authorize.
  • Clarification of time periods regarding suspension and modification of non-judicial tax sales pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 11: Clarifies the calculation of time frames to redeem certain interests in property after a municipality has sold the property to recoup unpaid taxes. Executive Order No. 7S extended those time frames.
  • Exclusion of federal stimulus payments in evaluating eligibility for state or local programs financed in whole or in part using state funds: Modifies state statutes to provide that individual stimulus payments under the federal CARES Act will not be counted as income or resources when determining eligibility for state benefits or services.
  • Alternative to physical presence in court for finding of irretrievable breakdown of marriage: Modifies state statutes requiring the physical presence in court of a party to a dissolution or legal separation prior to a finding that a marriage has broken down irretrievably to permit the court to accept not-in-person testimony from such parties sufficient to make such finding. However, this does not apply in any case where a restraining order or a protective order between the parties is in effect or an application for such an order is pending before the court.
  • Alternative to in-person waiver of right to file motion or petition for educational support: Modifies state statutes requiring a parent to be present in court for the court to make findings sufficient to accept the parent’s waiver of the right or file a motion or petition for educational support to provide that such a waiver may be accepted upon submission of proof deemed sufficient by the court that the parent fully understands the consequences of such a waiver. However, this does not apply in any case where a restraining order or a protective order between the parties is in effect or an application for such an order is pending before the court.
  • Alternative to physical appearance of petitioner regarding decree of dissolution after entry of decree of legal separation: Modifies state statutes requiring the presence of the party seeking a decree dissolving a marriage at the time of the entry of such decree and permits the court to make such entry without requiring the presence of the party. However, in any case where a restraining order or a protective order between the parties is in effect or an application for such an order is pending before the court, the presence of the party shall be required.
  • Alternative to in-court canvas prior to entrance of final agreement: Modifies state statutes requiring the court to inquire into the financial resources and actual needs of the spouses and their respective fitness to have physical custody or rights of visitation with any minor child prior to entry of a final order of dissolution or approval of a final agreement and permits the court to satisfy the inquiry requirement. However, this does not apply in any case in which a restraining order or a protective order between the parties is in effect or an application for such an order is pending before the court.
  • Alternative to physical presence when findings on the record required: Whenever applicable law requires the court to make a specific finding on the record in a proceeding, that requirement is satisfied if the court’s written judgement, order, or memorandum of decision includes such finding except in any case where a restraining order or protective order between the parties is in effect or an application for such an order is pending before the court.
  • Revised financial protections for people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency: Repeals Sections 2(a) and 2(b) of Executive Order No. 7U.

Governor Lamont announces state seeking proposals from organizations to scale-up Connecticut’s testing capacity

Governor Lamont today announced that the State of Connecticut today issued an RFP seeking organizations that want to partner with the state in its efforts to significantly scale-up its daily COVID-19 testing capacity as part of its efforts to reopen the state’s economy.

In addition to the current testing of patients and front line workers who are currently exhibiting symptoms of the virus, the state is planning to significantly build out its capacity to test people who are not exhibiting any symptoms, including front line essential workers, and test them regularly, knowing that COVID-19 can be transmitted before people develop symptoms. To do this, the Lamont administration is looking for proposals from organizations that will support sample collection efforts, particularly in urban and underserved communities where significant impacts of COVID-19 have been prevalent, in addition to proposals from CLIA-certified testing labs.

“The sooner we can identify people with the infection, the sooner they can self-isolate and we can trace their contacts,” Governor Lamont said. “That’s how we will drive infection rates down and prevent rebounds in infection rates as we begin to reopen.”

Governor Lamont recently issued executive orders under the state of emergency that have suspended many of the state contracting requirements and will allow the administration to expedite the process. Proposals will be accepted and awarded on a rolling basis, ensuring that testing capacity can be rapidly built up to support the state's reopening plans.

To read the RFP, click here.

Governor Lamont announces payment relief for student loan borrowers

Governor Ned Lamont and Banking Commissioner Jorge Perez, in collaboration with other states, today announced that the State of Connecticut has secured relief options with many private student loan servicers whose borrowers are not covered by the recently adopted federal CARES Act. This new initiative will benefit Connecticut residents with privately held student loans.

While the CARES Act provided relief for students with federal loans, it did not address millions of student loan borrowers with federal loans that are not owned by the U.S. Government, as well as loans made by private lenders.

“So many of our residents are facing unprecedented financial hardship, and our young people are burdened with additional student loan debt,” Governor Lamont said. “I applaud the Banking Department and the student loan servicers for launching this initiative to provide much needed relief to the young people of our state who are not covered by the CARES Act, as well as their families.”

“Student loan borrowers, regardless of whether or not they are federally guaranteed, who are having trouble making their payments should immediately reach out to their servicers to discuss what options best suit their needs,” Commissioner Perez said. “I’m pleased that we were able to work with our student loan servicers as well as other states to bring this initiative to the people of Connecticut.”

Under this new initiative, Connecticut residents with commercially owned Federal Family Education Loan Programs or privately held student loans who are struggling to make their payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be eligible for expanded relief.  Borrowers in need of assistance should immediately contact their student loan servicer to identify the options that are appropriate to their circumstances. Relief options through the servicers listed below include:

  • Providing a minimum of 90 days of forbearance;
  • Waiving late payment fees;
  • Ensuring that no borrower is subject to negative credit reporting;
  • Ceasing debt collection lawsuits for 90 days; and
  • Working with borrower to enroll them in other borrower assistance programs, such as income based repayment.

Additionally, if regulated student loan servicers are limited in their ability to take these actions due to investor restrictions or contractual obligations, servicers should instead proactively work with loan holders whenever possible to relax those restrictions or obligations. The Department of Banking encourages prudent and reasonable actions taken to support relief for borrowers during the pandemic.

To determine the types of federal loans residents have and who their servicers are, borrowers can visit the U.S. Department of Education’s National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243 or 1-800-730-8913 (TDD). Borrowers with private student loans can check the contact information on their monthly billing statements.

If a borrower is experiencing trouble with their student loan servicer, they are encouraged to ask to speak to a supervisor. If assistance is still needed, they can contact the following and file a complaint:

Private student loan servicers providing relief under this initiative include:

  • Aspire Resources, Inc.
  • College Ave Student Loan Servicing, LLC
  • Earnest Operations
  • Edfinancial
  • Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation
  • Lendkey Technologies, Inc.
  • Navient
  • Nelnet
  • SoFi Lending Corp.
  • Tuition Options
  • United Guaranty Services, Inc.
  • Upstart Network, Inc.
  • Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority
  • Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

Additional private student loan servicers may be added. An up-to-date list will be maintained on the Connecticut Department of Banking’s website at

States joining this initiative include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.

Life insurers warned not to ask applicants for their COVID-19 health history

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais is warning all life insurers doing business in Connecticut to refrain from asking applicants about exposure to the novel coronavirus.

In a department notice issued by the Connecticut Insurance Department to all insurance companies that offer life insurance coverage in Connecticut, the state agency is advising that any life insurance application form filed for review should not include questions related to COVID-19, including questions about being quarantined. Any life insurance application form filing that contains such questions will not be approved.

“The state of emergency has already placed undue hardship on families and businesses during this pandemic,” Commissioner Mais said. “Families need the security that life insurance brings and any new barriers to coverage must be avoided. Some carriers may want to know if people applying for coverage have self-isolated due to symptoms, or been tested for the disease or diagnosed with it. That won’t be allowed in Connecticut.”

Consumers, insurers and brokers with questions can contact the department directly by email at or by calling the Insurance Department at 1-800-203-3447 or 860-297-3900.

Connecticut insurance commissioner applauds CIGNA and New York Life for creating foundation benefitting COVID-19 health care workers and volunteers

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais is commending CIGNA and New York Life for their creation of the Brave of Heart Fund to benefit the bereaved families of COVID-19 front line health care workers and volunteers.

“Grieving families need so much support,” Commissioner Mais said. “CIGNA and New York Life have truly answered the call and responded to help protect the financial security of families affected by our current crisis.”

More information on the Brave of Heart Fund can be found at

Governor Lamont encourages residents to sign up for the state’s CTAlert notification system

Governor Lamont is encouraging Connecticut residents to sign up for CTAlert, the state’s emergency alert system, which provides text message notifications to users. To subscribe, text the keyword COVIDCT to 888-777.

Providing information to Connecticut residents

For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut on COVID-19, including an FAQ and other guidance and resources, residents are encouraged to visit

Individuals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can also call 2-1-1 for assistance. The hotline is available 24 hours a day and has multilingual assistance and TDD/TTY access. It intended to be used by individuals who are not experiencing symptoms but may have general questions related to COVID-19. Anyone experiencing symptoms is strongly urged to contact their medical provider.


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210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106