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Governor Ned Lamont

Governor Lamont Provides Update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus Response Efforts

Latest Data as of 6:30PM on Tuesday, May 12, 2020

(HARTFORD, CT) – As the State of Connecticut continues taking actions in response to the global spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Governor Ned Lamont provided the following updates as of 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, 2020:

Data updates on testing in Connecticut

The following is a summary of the day-to-day newly reported data on cases, deaths, and tests in Connecticut. It is important to note that these newly reported updates include data that occurred over the last several days to a week. All data in this report are preliminary, and data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.

Overall Summary

Statewide Total

Change Since Yesterday

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases



COVID-19-Associated Deaths



Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19



COVID-19 Test Reported



County-by-county breakdown:


Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations

Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19-Associated Deaths

Fairfield County




Hartford County




Litchfield County




Middlesex County




New Haven County




New London County




Tolland County




Windham County




Pending address validation








For several additional graphs and tables containing more data, including a list of cases in every municipality, visit

Governor Lamont signs 40th executive order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

Governor Lamont today signed another executive order – the 40th since he enacted the emergency declarations – that builds upon his efforts to encourage mitigation strategies that slow down transmission of the virus. Executive Order No. 7MM enacts the following provisions:

  • Allows municipalities to expedite changes to their zoning rules or other ordinances to expand outdoor dining
  • Creates an expedited approval process for restaurants and other establishments that serve food to get fast-tracked permission to create or expand outdoor dining areas
  • Allows other businesses such as retail stores to get fast-tracked permission to sell goods on the sidewalk or in other outdoor areas, including shared spaces or spaces provided by municipalities
  • Allows restaurants and other businesses who already have liquor permits to serve alcohol only with food without applying for a separate patio or extension of use permit
  • Allows private clubs to sell alcohol only to their members for delivery or pickup
  • NOTE: A separate executive order will provide for the Phase I reopening of businesses and other activity, including those that are subject to today’s order. All of the Phase I reopening activity will be subject to operating rules issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development.

State receives its largest shipment of personal protective equipment to date

Governor Lamont touring the state's commodities warehouse

Over the last several days, the State of Connecticut received its single largest shipment of personal protective equipment to date in the fight to combat COVID-19. The equipment, which came from suppliers in China, was delivered to the state’s commodities warehouse in New Britain. It includes:

  • 6 million surgical masks;
  • 500,000 protective masks;
  • 100,000 surgical gowns; and
  • 100,000 temporal thermometers.

The PPE in the process of being sorted and then will be delivered to frontline workers, including first responders, hospital staff, long-term care facility staff, direct care providers, and other people on the front lines.

The state’s supply of PPE has been managed in a coordinated effort by the state’s unified command structure, which includes several state agencies, and its distribution has been handled by the Connecticut National Guard. As of May 11, the state has delivered 15,186,349 pieces of PPE to those in need, including:

  • 5,852,086 surgical masks;
  • 956,211 KN95 masks;
  • 326,656 N95 masks;
  • 448,435 face shields;
  • 40,587 surgical gowns;
  • 51,248 Tyvek coveralls; and
  • 7,511,126 non-sterile gloves.

For more information, read the press release issued today by Governor Lamont.

Governor Lamont encourages residents to sign up for the state’s CTAlert notification system

Governor Lamont is encouraging Connecticut residents to sign up for CTAlert, the state’s emergency alert system, which provides text message notifications to users. To subscribe, text the keyword COVIDCT to 888-777.

Providing information to Connecticut residents

For the most up-to-date information from the State of Connecticut on COVID-19, including an FAQ and other guidance and resources, residents are encouraged to visit

Individuals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can also call 2-1-1 for assistance. The hotline is available 24 hours a day and has multilingual assistance. Relay services can be accessed by calling 7-1-1. Anyone who is out-of-state or using Relay can connect to Connecticut 2-1-1 toll free by dialing 1-800-203-1234. The hotline is intended to be used by individuals who are not experiencing symptoms but may have general questions related to COVID-19. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms are strongly urged to contact their medical provider.


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210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106