This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
December 16, 2014
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he intends to re-appoint Sharon Palmer as Commissioner of the Department of Labor (CTDOL) when his second term in office begins on January 7, 2015.
"Sharon has been determined in her passion for helping people from all walks of life to expand their employment opportunities and ensure that workers have a voice in their work environments," Governor Malloy said. "Over the past several years, the Connecticut Department of Labor has implemented initiatives that create new jobs by working with small businesses to expand their workforce and hire unemployed jobseekers. Commissioner Palmer's service has been appreciated, and I look forward to having her continue in this role."
"Governor Malloy has been a true advocate of the Labor Department's efforts to provide effective workforce programs to the residents of this state," Commissioner Palmer said. "I am honored to have his continued support as the agency works with the community and our partners to develop innovative approaches to services that meet the needs of Connecticut's workers and employers. I appreciate the opportunity to continue the progress already made, and look forward to being part of this state's ongoing economic growth."
Commissioner Palmer began the position as the head of the state's labor department in August 2012 .
Under Commissioner Palmer's leadership, the agency's major accomplishments include:
  • Creating a new partnership between the agency and Office of the Chief State's Attorney to fight unemployment insurance fraud by prosecuting offenders for collecting benefits to which they were not entitled. This "Chasing Cheaters" initiative has recovered nearly $600,000 and prevented millions from being fraudulently collected.
  • Successfully implemented the state's Subsidized Training and Employment Program (Step Up), resulting in over 4,000 new jobs. The program, which offers wage and training subsidies to employers that hire unemployed jobseekers, has helped over 1,000 companies to expand and train their workforce.
  • Expanded Connecticut's registered apprenticeship program in the construction and manufacturing sectors. As a result, over 5,000 individuals currently are enrolled in "earn as you learn" training programs that combine on-the-job training with classroom-related instruction to prepare skilled workers for in-demand jobs.
  • Ramped up efforts to fight misclassification - the illegal practice of treating employees as independent contractors which has a negative impact on the state's economy. In the past year, agency audits resulted in the reclassification of more than 6,000 workers and the discovery of more than $70 million in previously unreported payroll.
  • Coordinated efforts to provide workforce and reemployment services to more than 58,000 customers at the state's American Job Centers and agency-sponsored events. Services include résumé preparation, career counseling, job search and recruitment assistance, and online skills training.
  • Increased services to veterans, including the VETS 2 COPS and VETS 2 FIREFIGHTERS programs which have successfully provided employment assistance to veterans interested in law enforcement and first responder careers. Additionally, a new Waterbury-based pilot program, Supporting Military Members/Veterans and Their Families , was recently expanded to the Bridgeport area after it significantly improved outreach and access to job-related services, health coverage, food assistance and other support.
  • Led the agency to secure a $3 million federal Disability Employment Initiative grant to develop enhanced employment services to individuals with disabilities. The grant is helping jobseekers with disabilities to receive a full range of employment assistance including assessments, career readiness skills, training, and finding solutions to accessibility workplace barriers.
  • Implemented a new online tax filing system for employers that saves more than $200,000 annually on data entry costs. The elimination of transferring data submitted in paper form to an electronic format allows the agency to utilize staff more effectively.
For Immediate Release: December 16, 2014
Contact: David Bednarz
860-524-7315 (office)
860-770-9792 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy