This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Applauds Final Passage of Legislation Encouraging Equal Pay for Equal Work

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy is applauding the final passage of legislation he introduced that was designed to narrow wage gaps among Connecticut's workforce by halting "pay secrecy" - a practice among employers that frequently hinders pay discrimination from being pinpointed.  The bill, which was approved in the House of Representatives last week, received a favorable vote in the Senate this afternoon and next moves to the Governor's desk for his signature.

"If we want to build an economy for the future today and in the long run, we must tackle the gender wage gap.  It's not only morally wrong, but it negatively impacts our nation's economy and puts a burden on households," Governor Malloy said.  "That's why halting pay secrecy is so important.  It's a practice that ultimately perpetuates income discrimination and allows the gender wage gap to persist.  Women deserve the same pay for the same work - it's that simple.  I would like to thank the majority of members in both the House and the Senate who voted for this legislation, and I look forward to signing it into law in the coming days."

Under the legislation, it will become illegal for employers to prohibit their employees from disclosing their own compensation information or inquiring about the wages of another employee.  The Governor explained that the legislation does not require employers or employees to disclose wages, but rather it prohibits rules that prevent employees from disclosing that information on their own accord.  As of 2014, at least ten other states have enacted laws to combat pay secrecy policies.

"Equal pay for equal work is a basic human right, and it's key to building strong families and a strong economy," Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said.  "We can, and must, address the injustice of wage discrimination - on behalf of the women and minorities in the workforce who experience lower wages, and on behalf of all of our families damaged by this longstanding practice.  Ending pay secrecy puts us on a path to fairness, justice, and economic strength.  I applaud the General Assembly for moving this legislation to Governor Malloy's desk."

The legislation is House Bill 6850An Act Concerning Pay Equity and Fairness.


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