Press Releases
What They're Saying: Supporters Testify in Favor of Gov. Malloy's Legislation Encouraging Transit-Oriented Development
(HARTFORD, CT) - Supporters of Governor Dannel P. Malloy's legislative proposal to establish the Connecticut Transit Corridor Development Assistance Authority (TCDAA) are testifying at a public hearing of the General Assembly's Planning and Development Committee today, telling lawmakers that the creation of this group will serve to better encourage transit-oriented development statewide.
Governor Malloy proposed creating the TCDAA as a way to assist municipalities that want to seek economic development opportunities near bus and rail stations, such as along the Hartford Line between New Haven, Hartford and Springfield; stations along CTfastrak; and existing rail lines along the New Haven Line, Shore Line East, and their branch lines. The authority will serve as a voluntary tool that municipalities can utilize in their efforts to encourage housing, cultural, and commercial development near these transit stops.
Testimony of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
"The key point of SB 19 is to assist and spur state and local transit development to improve coordination between towns, cities and the state. SB 19 will create the needed authority to improve coordination with the development of TOD projects in and between communities and maximize the potential of public and private investments. CCM urges the committee to support SB 19."
Testimony of the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association:
"The proposed version of the TCDAA presented this session is a thoughtfully-constructed tool that municipalities may voluntarily request and employ to provide additional expertise, resources, and oversight to the development and redevelopment of transit-statin areas."
"…we the CEOs of the Waterbury Branch Rail Corridor urge you to establish this voluntary tool to complete the municipal development toolkit. It will provide the expertise and knowledge that Connecticut's municipalities need as we compete with other states for business relocations and redevelopment."
"Our towns and cities want the option for accelerating development around rapid transit and rail stations in our communities that is described in this bill."
"…the Transit Corridor Development Assistance Authority is needed and wanted by many communities in the Capitol Region who are seeing to catalyze transit-oriented development in bus rapid transit and rail station areas. We urge favorable consideration of SB 19."
Testimony of the Partnership for Strong Communities:
"We believe a Transit Corridor Development Assistance Authority will provide the coordinated and targeted resources needed to support the creation of a wider array of housing choices and combine them with transit, and therefore employment access, that will foster both economic growth for Connecticut and individual opportunity for working households across the state."
"We believe that transit-oriented development, centered around existing and planned transit nodes, represents a great opportunity to revitalize Connecticut's cities and downtowns in a sustainable, more environmentally-friendly manner - one which also will ease congestion along our highways."
Testimony of Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Jim Redeker:
"The proposed TCDAA would provide critical assistance and capabilities including financial, lending, and technical resources needed for TOD projects to be successful. Smaller communities often do not have the resources to employ these types of development services and expertise, and frequently approach state agencies for assistance. SB 19 will make such services available to those communities that want assistance from the TCDAA."
Testimony of Connecticut Department of Housing Commissioner Evonne Klein:
"As we know, housing is a critical part of transit-oriented development. For TOD to be successful in Connecticut, this means we need to be building both market rate and affordable housing close to transit and close to jobs. It is clear that TOD expands access to affordable housing, stimulates the economy, and provides the opportunity to upgrade crucial infrastructure where it is needed most."
Today's Planning and Development Committee public hearing began at 11:00 a.m. in Room 2A of the Legislative Office Building. The Governor's legislation is Senate Bill 19, An Act Establishing the Transit Corridor Development Assistance Authority.
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