This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Statewide Emergency Preparedness Drill to be Held October 29 and November 2

Exercise Will Simulate a Major Ice Storm Affecting the State

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the State of Connecticut will conduct a two-day statewide emergency preparedness drill designed to simulate a major ice storm on Saturday, October 29 and Wednesday, November 2, 2016. Coordinated by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection's (DESPP) Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS), and involving the state government, local governments, and utility companies, the exercise is designed, among other things, to improve communication among the state's partners during emergency situations.

"We must continually look for ways to improve how we respond to emergency situations so that when an event requiring a coordinated response occurs, every level of government and the state's utility companies have a clear mission and goal and are working in coordination with each other to reach it," said Governor Malloy, who plans to participate in the exercise as he would during an actual emergency situation. "Storms and other emergencies are inevitable, but the more we all work together, the more we can limit the impact of those disasters so that aid reaches those most in need of help, roads, schools and businesses can re-open in a timely manner, and communities can return to normal sooner than might otherwise be possible."

"Preparation is key to responding to a crisis," said Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, who will also participate in the drill. "Establishing collaboration and teamwork before a disaster occurs ensures better coordination when we most need it to protect residents' lives and Connecticut's infrastructure."

The exercise is part of Governor Malloy's ongoing Emergency Preparedness and Planning Initiative (EPPI), which he initiated in 2011. Its overall goals include:

  • Preparedness and Initial Response: Municipalities will use their Local Emergency Operations Plans (LEOP) to implement an appropriate Incident Action Plan (IAP) in response to the results of a winter ice storm and to review their level of preparedness.
  • Response: Municipalities will activate their local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and convene Unified Command to coordinate and collaborate on an operational response to the community's needs, review their emergency response plans, and test local communications resources and planning. The State's Make Safe Protocol will also be tested by local, state, and utilities partners.
  • Recovery: The exercise will conclude with the recovery efforts from the storm and how they will impact the community long term (i.e., what long term care will be needed and what will the economic impact be on the community).

At Governor Malloy's direction, all state agencies will also test their level of preparedness by exercising each agency's Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). In addition, on November 4, key state agencies and private sector partners will conduct a separate, related training session on the State Response Framework.

The Governor continues to encourage residents to download the "CT Prepares" mobile app, which was released earlier this summer and provides information and alerts to Connecticut residents during emergency situations, and also helps residents prepare in advance of an emergency. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple iTunes Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android devices by searching the keyword "CT Prepares."

Residents can also sign up for the state's CT Alert messaging system, which sends emergency notices to the public via e-mail or text message alerts, by visiting

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy
David Bednarz
Office: 860-524-7315
Cell: 860-770-9792
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy