Health Information Technology


The Health Information Technology Officer, in consultation with the statewide Health IT Advisory Council, is responsible for

  1. Establishment and administration of the statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE); and
  2. Administration of the All-Payer Claims Database (APCD); and
  3. Establishment and administration of the Core Data Analytics Solution (CDAS); and
  4. Development and implementation of the state-wide health information technology plan and data standards; and
  5. Recommendations for policy, regulatory and legislative changes and other initiatives to promote the state’s Health Information Technology and Exchange goals.

Our vision is to use health information technology to support quality improvement to achieve the state’s aims of healthier people, better healthcare, smarter spending, and health equity. 

Once established, the State-wide HIE will empower consumers to make effective health care decisions, promote patient-centered care, improve the quality, safety, and value of health care, reduce waste and duplication of services, support clinical decision-making, keep confidential health information secure and make progress toward the state’s public health goals.


Learn more about the Health IT Advisory Council
