Completed CON Applications 2012

Applicant: MC1 Healthcare LLC d/b/a/ Mountainside Treatment Center
Docket No.: 11-31734-CON
Proposal Description: Increase in Licensed Bed Capacity of 16 Beds
Expenditure: $9,672,513
Location: Canaan
Initial Filing: November 29, 2011
Deemed Complete: February 23, 2012
Applicant: Eastern Connecticut Health Network, Inc. and Eastern Connecticut Imaging, P.C.
Docket No.: 11-31736-CON
Proposal Description: Transfer of Ownership of Evergreen Imaging Center to an affiliate of ECHN
Expenditure: $1,400,000
Location: South Windsor
Initial Filing: December 9, 2011
Deemed Complete: January 06, 2012
Applicant: Community Mental Health Affiliates (CMHA) and Central Connecticut Health Alliance (CCHA)
Docket No.: 12-31750-CON
Proposal Description: Severing Affiliation Agreement between Community Mental Health Affiliates, Inc. and the Central CT Health Alliance
Expenditure: $0
Location: New Britain and surrounding towns in Central CT
Initial Filing: February 17, 2012
Deemed Complete: May 23, 2012
Applicant: Yale-New Haven Hospital and Saint Raphael Magnetic Resonance Imaging (SRMRC)
Docket No.: 12-31759-CON
Proposal Description: Yale-New Haven to Acquire the MRI Scanner currently Operated and Owned by Saint Raphael Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center
Expenditure: $0
Location: New Haven
Initial Filing: May 7, 2012
Deemed Complete: May 14, 2012

John Dempsey Hospital

Docket No.:


Proposal Description:

Acquisition of a Computed Tomography-Simulator





Initial Filing:

October 2, 2012

Deemed Complete: December 12, 2012
Applicant: Yale-New Haven Hospital
Docket No.: 12-31747-CON
Proposal Description: Yale-New Haven Hospital Acquisition of the Saint Raphael Healthcare System, Inc.
Expenditure: $160,000,000
Location: New Haven
Initial Filing: February 9, 2012
Deemed Complete: May 14, 2012