Notifications and Filings

Connecticut General Statutes require the Office of Health Strategy to collect the following notifications and filings:
Certificate of Need related:
  1. Termination of Service (C.G.S. §19a-639e(c)) 
  2. Replacement of Previously Authorized Equipment (C.G.S. § 19a-638(a)(18))
  3. Change in the number of Operating Rooms (C.G.S. § 19a-638(a)(14))
  4. General Notifications
Other Required filings:
  1. Pricemasters (C.G.S. §19a-681)
  2. Specialty Hospital Audited Financial Statements (C.G.S. §19a-644(e))   
  3. Group Practices  (C.G.S. §19a-486i(g) and (h))
  4. Notices of Material Change for completed Group Practice transfers of ownership previously approved by the Office of the Attorney General (C.G.S. §19a-486i(d)(2)) 
  5. Medical Foundations (C.G.S. §33-182bb(g)) 
  6. Facility Fees (C.G.S. §19a-508(c) (k) and (m)) 
  7. Affiliate Filings (C.G.S. §19a-486i(i)) 
Submitting Notifications or Filings

To submit a “CON Related Notification” or “Other Required Filing” complete the form and upload document(s) at: 

An OHS staff member will contact you if there are any questions.


Accessing Notifications and Filings

To access CON Related Notifications click:

To access Other Required Filings click:


To access notifications and filings prior to June 2018, select a year from the dropdown box in the notifications and filings portal. If the document is not in the portal, submit a Freedom of Information request at:

